Ask a Baby Blogger: Will It Be Easier to Pump the Second Time Around?

Question: With baby #2 do most women who weren’t able to pump much the first time around have better luck with the 2nd one? This question actually comes from the forums, and I promised I’d answer. I wish that I could shout a resounding yes on this, but honestly I can’t. Success in pumping has everything to do with how the relationship is managed but it also has to do with other factors that mom simply cannot control. Why Pumps Are Ineffective So why is it exactly that you can breastfeed a fat, chunky baby–yet only produce a few ounces … Continue reading

Ask a Baby Blogger: You Said Not to Pump. . .But They Said to Pump

Question: Hi. I’ve read most of your blogs on breastfeeding and first, thank you so much. We’ve had a rough start and my baby was in the NICU for a few weeks so I had to pump. But when she came home, I stopped pumping because I had read somewhere that you said pumping does not increase your supply. However, the nurses in the hospital said I need to keep pumping to keep up my supply because the baby won’t suck effectively. What’s your advice? First of all, you’re welcome and I’m glad you’re breastfeeding your baby. You’re right. I … Continue reading

How Pumping Sabotages the New Mom

This is not a blog for those of you who had no choice but to pump because of health issues or because your baby was in the NICU. Neither is this a blog for those of you who pumped and breastfed without any supply problems. This is a blog in response to those of you who have sent me private messages asking me to clarify why I advise so strongly against new moms pumping right away. The questions and comments are all very similar: “I don’t have enough milk. I can’t even pump a whole ounce.” “I’ve been pumping in … Continue reading

Storing and Using Frozen Breast Milk

Someone recently pointed out to me that out of all the blogs on breastfeeding that I’ve done here at, I haven’t written anything about how to store breast milk! All I can say is: “What was I thinking?” Many mothers pump and store their milk in case of emergency, to help continue breastfeeding once mom goes back to work, or even because baby never took to the breast. In any case, for all you moms who pump or will be pumping here are guidelines that you can use for safely storing your breast milk. I have taken the following … Continue reading

The Breast Milk Haves and Have Nots

My apologies to all of you who regularly read my articles. Due to a family emergency, we had to leave unexpectedly. All is well now though, and you can expect to see more from me tomorrow! Were you a breast milk have or have not? According to an article published Sept. 1st in the New York Times,many mothers have to choose between earning a living and feeding their baby breast milk. According to the recent study, those who are high paid executives are more likely to continue breastfeeding because they have access to a “lactation” room at work, or are … Continue reading

Help! I Don’t Have Enough Milk!

The actual number of women who medically cannot produce enough milk for their babies is very, very rare. Why then does it seem that we all know at least a few women who for one reason or another had trouble producing enough milk to feed their children? Frequently what happens is that a mother has trouble and is never really given the necessary support to continue producing milk effectively. The bottom line is that the less your baby nurses, the less milk you will produce. Supply and Demand Breastfeeding is a supply and demand relationship. Your body produces the amount … Continue reading