The Health Benefits of Pumpkin

Full disclosure time: I love pumpkin. Pumpkin pie is my favorite holiday season dessert. My mom makes awesome pumpkin chocolate chip cookie bars. But I don’t only love it for dessert! Pumpkin soup, pumpkin curry… I love it all. Lucky for me, pumpkin is good for you. A gal can’t live on pumpkin pie alone (or pumpkin cheesecake, or pumpkin rolls, or pumpkin bread, or…) but it’s got some real health benefits. Pumpkin is full of fiber. Yay fiber! Fiber helps you feel full, fiber helps keep the digestive system working and happy. Pumpkin is an amazing source of vitamin … Continue reading

No Fuss Pumpkin Pie

If you have (or have had) a picky little eater in your family then you know the sheer delight that overcomes you when he or she finds a new favorite food. Two years ago I worked a miracle and got my picky eater (she’s not very picky anymore) to try a bite of pumpkin pie. Two bites later and my toddler was pumping her fists proclaiming her love for the spicy dessert. It was a Hallelujah moment and I immediately went online to hunt down every pumpkin pie recipe known to man. I spent months experimenting with pumpkin pie recipes, … Continue reading

Variations on the Traditional Pumpkin Pie

I’ve really enjoyed reading Valorie’s “Abandon the Pumpkin Pie” series. But, unlike her I happen to love pumpkin pie. In fact, love may be an understatement. I could easily devour an entire pie smothered with whipped cream in a single sitting. Okay, maybe a single day. Regardless, my passion for all things pumpkin is well documented in my family. Which is why I am not surprised that my 3-year-old daughter has inherited my love for the orange fruit. Believe me; nothing makes restaurant patrons stop and stare more than the sight of my daughter attacking a slice of pumpkin pie. … Continue reading

Pumpkin Pie – Welcoming the Change of Season

Right this minute, I have a pumpkin pie cooling on my counter. And it smells wonderful. One of my sons loves pumpkin pie. It’s his absolute favorite dessert. I’ve been promising him all summer to make one as soon as we had a cool day. This summer I just didn’t want to have the oven on for the hour and fifteen minutes they take to bake. And today was our first cool day. I don’t think it got over 70 degrees today. And don’t think he needed reminding – it was the first thing out of his mouth when I … Continue reading

Single Parent Holiday Traditions

When I was married, we had certain family traditions. For instance, on Thanksgiving, the location rotated among four people, meaning every fourth year, I would host a huge family dinner. As apart of the Thanksgiving meal, we had the same things, year after year. For instance, there was the turkey, stuffing, dinner rolls, strawberry salad, and pumpkin pie. While delicious, we always knew what would be served for Thanksgiving. After going through my divorce, I decided to start new traditions. Instead of just making them up on my own, I sat my son and daughter down, asking them what they … Continue reading

Cream Cheese Pumpkin Pie

I just recently started loving pumpkin pie. For some reason I always opted for the chocolate or peanut butter concoctions at Thanksgiving dinners. If you’re a pumpkin pie fan, or if you’re not a big fan, give this recipe a try. It combines a traditional pumpkin pie mix with a creamy layer of whipped topping and cream cheese. The flavors are mellow and lovely. Now that I know this recipe, I’ll be making it instead of the traditional pie. It’s creamy and utterly delicious. Don’t celebrate Thanksgiving without it! For this recipe you’ll need: 1 (6oz) graham cracker pie crust … Continue reading