Why It’s Important To Make a List of Qualities You Want in a Husband

In a previous article, one reader (Jade “The Muse” Walker) left the following comment: Years ago, I wrote a list of all the qualities and characteristics I wanted “the one” to possess. It had the usual items: intelligent, romantic, ambitious, independent, honest, faithful, funny, etc. But I forgot one that is vital to a lasting relationship. Understanding. If you plan to spend your life with someone, I highly recommend finding a partner who has this quality in spades. I also encourage everyone to develop it as well. As usual, Jade’s observations were not only astute but timely. It meshes well … Continue reading

The Priest’s List of Five Must Haves for a Happy Match

One morning last week on Today, they interviewed a Catholic priest who’d been the stir of a recent New York Times article. Though he’d been a clergyman for like 50 years, had never been married, and was celibate, he seemed to have an idea about what qualities a woman should look for in a man if she wanted to live happily ever after with him. The Priest’s Interview I’m not sure what the article was about, but what the priest talked about on Today was who you should and shouldn’t marry –and how you’ll know the difference. How to do … Continue reading

What are the Qualities Needed for a Single Parent?

I thought it might be fun to talk about some of those personal qualities that come in handy for the average single parent. Of course, we are all different and we all bring different skills and talents to the table. Also, many of the qualities that make for a great single parent are also helpful in two-parent parenting too. Still, it could be fun to talk about those qualities and skills that we have found to be beneficial in our roles as single parents… I know that in my stint as a single parent I have developed sides of me … Continue reading

What Do Women Want?

When it comes to romance and relationships, answering just what do women want is not the easiest of questions. Why is it so hard? Easy, not all women are the same and what appeals to one woman is not the same as another woman. This is probably a good thing, because if all women wanted the same thing, we’d have a lot more problems with women all wanting the same man – and that’s enough of a problem at times anyway. So what attracts a woman to a partner that she will elect to be with for the rest of … Continue reading