Single Parents and Quality Time–Keep Family Time Uninterrupted

Balancing work obligations, school or other responsibilities and spending quality time with your kids is one of the biggest challenges of life as single parent. I imagine that if we got all of us together in one room, it would be a huge topic of conversation for us–how to make sure that we spend enough quality time with our kids and let them know that we really do put family first. I have learned that even if I don’t have an abundance of time to devote to my kids, making sure that the time I do set aside stays “pure” … Continue reading

Top Ten Reasons to Engage in Family Fitness

I like top tens. One of the best things about them is you can print them out and put them somewhere you can see every day if you need to and because they help you to create motivation for yourself and for others. Today, we’re going to talk about family fitness as a whole. We discussed some family fitness ideas in the Personalized Workout for Busy Moms. But let’s focus on why we need to engage in family fitness. In no particular order, here are ten of the best reasons to make family fitness a focused activity for you and … Continue reading

When You Think You Should Give a Child More of Yourself

I read an article recently that said parents actually spend more time with their children than they did fifty years ago. And yet, we still feel the pressure to give more of ourselves and spend even more “quality” time with our kids. What is a parent to do when the guilts come on and we feel like we should be giving more of ourselves to our child or children? I wrote last month about how I actually enjoy spending time with my kids and there are many times when I want to be with them just because I like them … Continue reading

Bringing Back Romance

The hardest part about having children is the sheer wealth of time, emotion and energy you invest in them. Don’t doubt for an instant that your children are worth it, but there is a new type of stress that your relationship will undergo as you transform from couple to parents. Parents lose sleep, parents are always busy, and there is always something for parents to be doing. Parents rarely get to sleep in and in some cases, rarely get to go out anymore. If you discover that you are spending less and less time with your spouse and that your … Continue reading

The Marriage Blog Week in Review for May 27 – June 1

It’s been a packed week here in the marriage blog with everything from marriage laws to secret marriages to bigamy and more. We had Courtney Mroch, one of our great Pets bloggers guest with a couple of interesting articles as well. So without further ado, let’s take a look at our week in review. Sunday, May 27 What Are Secret Marriages? Have you heard of them before? I hadn’t, but they came up as a part of our marriage laws research. Marriage Laws – Louisiana & Arkansas takes a look at these states laws governing marriage licenses and what you … Continue reading

Quality Time – What Does That Mean?

We talk about quality time constantly. It’s the catchphrase of our generation – because thirty years ago, no one talked about scheduling quality time or setting a private date to meet with his or her spouse or to even make sure everyone was together. Our world of convenience means we’re on the go, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and there’s no guarantee that the family will be together at a meal time or on the weekends unless we really set aside that quality time. Quality Time Quality is how we want to describe the time we spend … Continue reading

Stroller Skating – Do you Stroller Skate?

This is actually pretty neat – and I was debating putting this in the baby blog, but it actually fits really well here in the fitness blog. Do you remember a few months ago that I talked about Stroller Moms? When my daughter and I went to the skating birthday party yesterday, it was the first time that I’d been in a skating rink in more than 20 years (and now don’t I feel exceptionally old?) Anyway, when we were at the skating rink, I saw a sign for stroller skating hours and I headed over to talk to the … Continue reading

Looking For A Few Good Parenting Tips?

Looking for a few good parenting tips? Of course you are, we all are. Here are a few simple yet effective tips from today’s UK-based, Telegraph. (1) Spend quality time with your kids. (2) Give praise and give it often. (3) Provide stimulating and engaging activities to help keep your kids from getting bored. (4) Your kids learn through watching others; set a good example. (5) Establish and enforce ground rules. (6) When giving instructions speak in a clear and calm voice. Children will be more cooperative when you speak to them nicely (you catch more flies with honey). (7) … Continue reading

Quitting Time

No matter how busy your household is, each person living in your home has to have some time off from the daily grind. Moms and Dads need more than just time off work, they also need a break, a chance to “clock out” from daily demands at home. Parents need some time alone and some time to get out away from the responsibilities of daily living. Scheduling a little time off regularly, makes it easier to cope. Children also need time off. They can’t come home from school, do homework, eat, do chores, shower, and go to bed. They need … Continue reading

5 Ways to Reconnect With Your Spouse

Feeling distant from your spouse lately? Are you both so busy that you only seem to meet in passing and the idea of a conversation is more like a quick question quiz on how your day was, what your plans are and where you are going to be tomorrow? If you’re like most couples, your problem isn’t that you are fighting – in fact, you’re hardly around each other long enough to fight much less connect in a manner that promotes growth and unity. The following are 5 ways to reconnect, even when you’re crazy busy and you feel like … Continue reading