The Importance of Your Date Night

We spend a lot of time here – okay, I spend a lot of time here discussing different date night ideas, offering suggestions and even discussing films and television shows that might be selected for date night viewing. Why is date night so important to married couples? Because many of us are often so busy that we forget that having fun with each other is as important as being able to discuss what is troubling us, paying our bills, getting the household chores done and more. In fact, without the ability to have fun together – our marriage and time … Continue reading

Share Thoughts & Feelings

When you talk about intimacy in marriage, a great many people automatically assume the word intimacy with sexual activity. While sexual contact is a part or a form of intimacy it is not the sole proprietor of the intimacy of marriage. In fact, the sexual expression of love and devotion is but a single facet of a marriage’s intimacy. If you look at marriage as a journey, where you are pilot and co-pilot, navigator and passenger, then you will begin to see that unless you maintain constant communication there will be problems in your flight plan. It’s important that you … Continue reading

Inexpensive (And Thoughtful) Gifts for Mom

Mother’s Day is the time where we tell our mothers how much we appreciate them. Sometimes, the most expensive gifts don’t show any more thought than some of the most simple and thoughtful. Maybe the idea of frugal gift-giving just doesn’t sound right to you. If so, at least take a few minutes to read these ideas to see if maybe you could save a little money this Mother’s Day. These ideas will show you that you don’t have to spend a fortune in order to show Mom that you care. Where to shop Consider shopping at a store that … Continue reading

Sunday Family Picnic – Mental & Emotional Fitness Boosters

As discussed in many other areas here at, the family is very vital to your personal fitness and health. The idea of a Sunday family picnic is to take time out of the day that’s dedicated to the family. At a family picnic, there is no television to watch, no video games to play and no distractions that put your attention away from the family. Conversation, personal enjoyment, food and time together is the emphasis of the family picnic. For some families, this may involve playing Frisbee, playing ball, playing on swings or equipment or even a game of … Continue reading

The Importance of Blowing Bubbles

With Valentine’s Day quickly approaching, it can become a difficult task to plan and actually have a romantic night alone with your wife or husband, especially when you have kids. So, what do you do when you have no sitter, no privacy and not a lot of time? Remember the importance of just blowing bubbles. It’s really nice that we have a “holiday” to devote to the ones we love, but in the midst of our hurried lives, sometimes it’s impossible to cook a gourmet dinner and eat by candlelight. A few years back, I remember a married friend of … Continue reading

Books to Read Together

Experts say that one of the best things you can do for your kids is to read to them. It increases their own reading ability as well as contributes to many other areas of development. Also, the time spent together is quality time, and who can’t get enough of that? Ever since my kids were teeny tiny, I’ve read to them. It’s one thing my dad did for me and my sister when we were young that I remember best. Maybe it was the consistency, maybe it was his terrific radio-DJ voice, maybe it was the fact that he loved … Continue reading