Cholesterol Fighting Foods: Part 1

There are essentially two types of cholesterol: good cholesterol and bad cholesterol. The good version actually helps combat bad cholesterol, which then prevents plaque formation in your arteries. Bad cholesterol, called Low Density Lipo Protein (LDL) is caused by saturated fats (for example butter), while good cholesterol is tied to unsaturated fats (like olive oil). Your liver uses saturated fats to make cholesterol. Sources of these bad fats you should avoid or limit are whole milk, cream, butter, cheese, meats (beef, lamb, pork) and palm kernel oil, coconut oil and vegetable shortening. Certain foods are known to decrease bad cholesterol, … Continue reading

The Benefits of Green Tea

Green tea is pretty amazing. It is one of the richest natural sources of antioxidants, which help clean out your cells and prevent heart disease and cancer. But the health benefits of green tea don’t end there! Green tea has been shown to help fight cavities, slow down harmful blood clotting, and ease arthritis pain! In case you’re wondering, green tea and black tea come from the same plant. The difference comes from the processing — black tea leaves are fermented, and green tea leaves are not. Black teas often have a stronger taste, while green tea is more delicate. … Continue reading

Indoor Air Quality in Schools

Did you ever think about the concept of the indoor air quality in schools? As a parent, student, or employee, think about how many hours per day is spent inside, in a classroom. At least 8 hours a day and unless the temperature is warm enough, the windows are never opened. Germs are spread around the entire school, back and forth to students and teachers, never being able to escape the building. Not a pretty picture when you think about. Good news, NEA HIN has developed a program and kit to help indoor air quality in schools. The solutions don’t … Continue reading