Joy Can Come in the Quiet Moments

I think as Americans, we are trained to believe that anything that we want in life is ours if we just go out and take it. For those of us who have been through a divorce, death or separation, or are just struggling to build a life as a single parent, we can get into the trap of trying to build, shape, make and force things to go the way we wish them to. The thing is, it really is not about achievement and finances and externally-approved success. Once we realize that pure joy can come in the most mundane … Continue reading

Everybody Needs a Quiet, Private Place

Life in a single parent family can be wonderful, but it can also be chaotic sometimes. Setting up a safe haven and a comfortable home environment where our children are able to feel happy and secure may mean not only providing plenty of family time, but also making sure that each child has a quiet, private place of his or her own. When a child is small, a quiet private place may be something simple like a big, comfortable chair or a corner of a room with some soft cushions. When my children were pre-schoolers, I remember a time when … Continue reading

General Conference From the Past: Reverence Invites Revelation

In October 1991, Elder Boyd K. Packer of the Quorum of the Twelve gave a talk entitled “Reverence Invites Revelation.” He speaks of the need for reverent behavior and how such quiet can usher in the delicate promptings of the Holy Spirit. Elder Packer begins by warning those who seek to study the gospel from an intellectual perspective only. The promptings of the spirit do not come by intellect alone, but by feeling. He warned that several groups within the church were focusing too much on measuring doctrine and ordinances by the mind alone. With this warning past, he turned … Continue reading

Up Late!

Shhhh… It’s after midnight, and I have the whole house all to myself. The kids are sound asleep and even my husband has gone to bed, which he usually never does before I do. In fact, it is so quiet that I hate to break the silence even with the light tapping sound made by the keys as I type. It’s rare that my home is this still, since there are six of us here and we all tend to be very active, but it’s really nice. There’s just something comforting about knowing everyone is sound asleep, cozy and comfy … Continue reading

Your Home: Peace and Quiet

Our homes can be noisy places. The noise level has a lot to do with the amount of activity, but even when your family members aren’t particularly active, there are still many sounds. The TV, the stereo, people talking, children laughing, water running, the furnace or air conditioner blowing, and perhaps the washing machine or dryer going, can make for a lot of noise. These and other noises, or the combination of many, may not even be loud, but all that noise together can take its toll on us. Sometimes, we just need to turn off as many items as … Continue reading

Creating A Reverent Home

For the last part of creating a learning-centered home, we are going to discuss creating reverence. Reverence is not simply standing with ones arms folded and being quiet. President David O. McKay defined it as “profound respect mingled with love” (Conference Report, Apr 1967, 86). President Kimball admonished the Saints to be models of reverent behavior. As we are reverent through our daily lives, we will bring the Spirit with us; as our homes become more reverent, we will be able to instruct and uplift our families. As with most things in the parenting world, the best way to teach … Continue reading