Christmas With the In-Laws

So we did Thanksgiving our way I agreed to give a little on Thanksgiving, it was just the two of us so we agreed to go over on Christmas Eve. This was huge for me after how horrible the first Christmas with his family I really was not looking forward to it. I did agree to go to try to keep peace I do think back now and wish I had not. My mother – in-law loved hosting the holidays; she had done this since her kids were little and she was going to continue until she is no longer … Continue reading

Our First Thanksgiving

We have not hit our one year anniversary yet and we have had so much family drama and a death of a friend what does the rest of the year going to bring? We still have the holidays coming up and after my first Christmas with my in-laws I really am not looking forward to having another one with them. If you don’t know what happened during my first Christmas click this to read all about it. The holiday season is quickly approaching and I am really dreading it. The first holiday season as a married woman should be full … Continue reading

July 4 Celebrations at Disneyland

With another national holiday just around the corner, it’s time again to look at the special events going on at the Disney Parks. Last year I highlighted what went down in Orlando for July 4. I thought I would switch things up this year and focus on the events in Anaheim. The official Disney parks blog has an overview of what to expect at Disneyland on the 4th, which links to the Disneyland Daily Events calendar for the specifics. One thing you should definitely anticipate: fireworks. But then you probably guessed that already. Because July 4 is a Monday this … Continue reading

New Traditions

One thing that really seemed to change when I got divorced were our family traditions. Suddenly, they seemed a little empty when it was just the two of us. It became almost easier just to forget about all of our old traditions rather than remind my daughter that her father wasn’t there to share them. For us, the first holidays that came up after the divorce were the summer ones, July 4th, and because we live in Utah, July 24th. Parades, barbeques and fireworks were something we did as a family. That first year we ate sandwiches and watched the … Continue reading

Genealogy for Kids

I want my children to share my passion for genealogy, and I try to share my research with them whenever I think I may have grabbed their attention. My three-year-old son accompanies me on most of my cemetery visits, and actually gets excited when I ask him if he wants to go for a walk in the cemetery. My nine-year-old daughter enjoys looking through my old family photos with me. I am always looking for ways to involve my children in my genealogy, and often come up short when looking for ideas online. However, I have managed to come across … Continue reading

Do Holidays Always Include Extended Family?

My husband and I chose to spend Mother’s Day with his parents this year. They were willing to come to our house, which worked great for me, because our baby is always happier in the comfort of our home. While my daughter napped, my mother-in-law and I relaxed in front of the TV (finally, I was able to watch TLC instead of ESPN). Our husbands slaved away in the kitchen, working to prepare a delicious Mother’s Day meal. We admired the flowers we’d been given and enjoyed the feeling of putting our feet up. After lunch, the whole gang headed … Continue reading

Does Your Baby Give Gifts On Holidays?

Since my daughter was born, I’ve had the joy of experiencing a number of holidays for the first time as a mother. There’s something about sharing big days with a child that make it so much more meaningful and exciting. Holidays we’ve shared so far include Halloween, where we laughed at how cute our baby looked in her costume; Christmas, where we bought our honey a myriad of presents, even though she wasn’t old enough to open them; and Easter, where we all cheered when we got a picture of our daughter smiling with her Easter basket. For those holidays, … Continue reading

Letting the Holidays Drag You Down

What is it about holidays that seem to drag you down when you have been doing so well with eating healthy and exercising? I don’t know if you can relate but it seems every time there is a holiday or celebration, I fall. Not only did we celebrate Easter this past weekend but we also had two birthdays in our family to celebrate. So there was plenty of candy and cake. For some reason when we are enjoying a holiday I tend to overeat. During other times of eating, I keep my portions small. But it seems like there is … Continue reading

What if My Children’s Other Parent Won’t Take Them to Church on Easter?

Co-parenting is not always easy. It is inevitable that you and your ex will have varying opinions on a variety of issues, from discipline to education to religion. However, religious differences can really come to a head around holidays, such as Easter, when one parent feels that it is important the children attend a religious service, while the other parent does not. If your children will be spending Easter with a parent who does not share your views on the importance of attending church on this sacred day, there are some things you can do to take action. First, try … Continue reading

Easter and Marriage

Easter means different things to different people. As I’ve read a couple of other blogs I see some of those different traditions in families come out. To some people it means Easter bunnies and Easter egg hunts. To others it means church. Sometimes there is a combining of the two. In our marriage and those of our son and daughter and their spouses, it means church,remembering the first Easter and what Easter is all about – the death and resurrection of Jesus. One couple I know who are still on their L plates in their marriage has started a tradition … Continue reading