Love is in the Details: A Rabbi’s Story

A prominent Rabbi in Jerusalem was discussing his life before he became a Rabbi, and before he was even religious. He thought Judaism was the most illogical religion on Earth. Why were there so many laws and rules about how to wash your hands or what to eat? After all, he was studying philosophy, and was beyond this “nonsense.” The one thing that bothered him the most was the main prayer in the liturgy, the Amidah prayer. It was explained to him that, before the prayer, you take three steps forward, three steps back, bow forward and say the prayer … Continue reading

Rabbi and Cantor

For first time temple goers, many may have questions regarding the set up of the Jewish religion and prayer services. Most synagogues or temples will have a Rabbi and a Cantor to lead prayer services. The word Rabbi means teacher. A Rabbi is considered the leader of a Jewish community and looked upon for advice, console, and can perform many rituals and customs like baby naming, B’nai Mitzvot, or a Marriage ceremony. A Rabbi is simply a teacher, a person who decided they wanted to become educated in Jewish law or halakhah. With their studies, Rabbi’s also study and practice … Continue reading