What to Do If You Find an Injured Wild Animal

When I was about 10 years old, my best friend and I loved to roam the woods around her house. One day we found an abandoned nest of baby flying squirrels. My friend loved animals and nature even more than I did, so she immediately brought the animals back to her house. She kept these squirrels for about a month, feeding them out of an eyedropper. She lost one or two of the babies, but most of them grew larger and healthy. Then one day the mother of one of our mutual friends called a local wild animal rescue concerning … Continue reading

When Cats Drool

Last week when taking my shift at Petco to look after the shelter cats housed there, I met the strangest feline. He was a real sweetheart; he adored being petted and wanted to climb onto my shoulders. But he drooled. As I held him a puddle grew on my shoulder. I would have been concerned for this cat’s health except that the shelter’s feline coordinator left a note saying that he was fine, drooling was just something he did. Still, I found the experience so odd I decided to research drooling cats. Cats actually drool for a number of reasons, … Continue reading

What Is Rabies?

Chances are, your pets are vaccinated against rabies. But do you know what rabies is? Rabies is a disease caused by a virus. The virus targets the nervous system — specifically nerve cells. When a pet (or person) is bitten by a rabies virus carrier, the virus moves through peripheral nerves towards the brain and spinal cord. Any mammal can get rabies, although the symptoms can be somewhat different in different species. Early symptoms of a rabies infection in humans include: Headache Fever Decrease in appetite and/or vomiting Pain, itching and/or tingling at the bite site The early stage of … Continue reading

The Fox in the Woods: A Lesson in Rabies

The other night when I took Murphy for a walk, we ran into Sophie (a husky/Shepard mix) and her mom Nila. Sophie is one of Murph’s dog pals (actually, I tease him she’s his girlfriend) who’s always happy to see her boyfriend. (Nila’s usually happy to see us too, but she doesn’t jump around and carry on with glee like Sophie does.) Since we were both just starting our walks, we decided to walk together. That’s when Nila told me that Ms. Tina, who’s Lady’s mom (Lady, a beagle, is Sophie’s best friend and Murph’s other good buddy) knocked on … Continue reading

Vaccinations For Dogs

Vaccinations protect your pets against diseases that we were once helpless against. Diseases like rabies and distemper are easily prevented, helping ensure your pet has a long and healthy life. Vaccinating your pets also helps protect you and your family — some diseases can be passed from animal to human. The American Animal Hospital Association released canine vaccine guidelines in 2003 and updated them in 2006 to help veterinarians administer appropriate vaccines to dogs. The guidelines were developed by veterinarians, researchers, immunologists, and infectious disease experts. There are two different kinds of vaccine: core vaccines and noncore vaccines. Core vaccines … Continue reading