Television’s Diversity Report Card

When it comes to ethnic diversity in the television industry the marks aren’t that great. Does that surprise you? It doesn’t surprise me (more on that later). The official word from civil-rights groups that monitor ethnic diversity on television is that the major broadcast networks are making improvements, but not enough, and it’s time they made greater progress. “I don’t want to wait 10 years until we’re close on television to the 15% of the population we are in the U.S.,” an official with the National Latino Media Council (NLMC) told reporters at a news conference on the subject yesterday. … Continue reading

Having Fun While Helping Others

Wouldn’t it be cool to help other people while having fun too? There are lots of things you can do to help others, get some exercise, and have fun, all at the same time. One idea is raking leaves for an elderly or disabled neighbor. Okay, that may not seem like a great way to spend a Saturday, and it probably doesn’t sound like a lot of fun, but wait. If you take a friend or a sibling along and make it into a contest, it can be fun. You can work on one side of the yard while your … Continue reading

Racial Discrimination in Restaurants? Part II

Note: Please see “Racial Discrimination in Restaurants? Part I” Faithful readers, you know so far that my husband, daughter, and I were mistreated at a Denny’s restaurant in South Carolina. We believe it was a result of racial discrimination. The following is a continuation of this story. When we returned to Maryland, I knew that I needed to call Denny’s customer service. So, I went to the Denny’s website and found the phone number. I was greeted by a customer service representative who asked how she could help me. Humph…she was in for a surprise. I don’t remember her name, … Continue reading