Radiation Therapy

Did you know when you are getting ready to go through radiation therapy they have to give you tattoo’s? No not the cool tattoo’s just little blue freckle tattoos. They use the tattoos to line up the radiation machine to give you the dosage in the exact same spots each and every time. I am not going to lie to you I do have a tattoo already and that is much larger than a freckle and hurt a lot less than the freckles do. I think the reason that it hurt so much is because the area where they put … Continue reading

My First Oncology Appointment

So my oncologist just told me that he could treat me this time BUT when it came back he could not. I am sitting there in a small room with my husband and the doctor and the room feels like it is getting smaller. Did this doctor just tell me that basically a recurrence was a given and it would kill me? I was only 35 years old my youngest child just turned 3 and my oldest was just 6. Was this some cruel cosmic joke? Did I really do something so bad that this is it? Did I take … Continue reading

Radon Risk

I’ve been on a home safety kick recently. I think it is because I keep hearing about all of these issues with people I know and dangers in the home. Just this week, a boy in my son’s class witnessed his house burning down while he was waiting for the school bus because of a chimney fire. A neighbor suffered extensive wind damage to her home. And now, one of our dear friends just announced that he has been breathing in radon for probably the last few years. So if you will bear with me on another post about home … Continue reading

Granite Countertops May Be Dangerous to Your Health

Granite countertops are definitely a major trend in kitchen design in the last few years. Granite countertops are strong, stain resistant, scratch resistant and look beautiful. Nowadays, if you are going to sell a home, you are at a disadvantage if you don’t have granite countertops. One of the issues with granite countertops that has been in the news lately is that these countertops may pose a health hazard to your family in the form of radon gas. Radon gas is basically a form a radiation that can leach into your home. It can expose individuals to as much radiation … Continue reading

Risk Factors for Leukemia

Doctors often can’t explain why one person develops leukemia and another person does not. Research has pointed to certain risk factors that can increase a person’s chances of developing this cancer, even though the exact causes are still a mystery. Exposure to high levels of radiation. This includes people who have been exposed to nuclear power plant accidents and atomic bomb detonations. This also includes people who have been exposed to extremely high levels of radiation as part of a medical treatment. Most radiation used for diagnosis is a very low level and is not linked to leukemia. Exposure to … Continue reading