The Many Worlds of Disney On Ice

Are you dying to check out that Kraft Singles-Disney On Ice savings offer but can’t decide which live show appeals most to you? Never fear; today I’m going to outline all of the Disney On Ice tours traveling the country so you can decide which you’d best like to see. Last year I posted an in-depth profile of the Let’s Celebrate extravaganza, so check out my prior blog for all the details on that show. Here is the scoop on the rest of the performances. When I first read that there are two Disney Princess ice shows currently touring, I … Continue reading

Buy Cheese, Save on Ice Shows

Here’s a duo I’d never guess: ice skating and cheese. It doesn’t involve the skaters chowing down on dairy products while performing or dressing up like giant blocks of cheddar, or the introduction of a new snack to the skating arena. Instead, it’s a promotional partnership between Disney On Ice and Kraft Singles. The two mega companies, which both market material for families, have teamed up to bring consumers discounted tickets on Disney On Ice shows held between now and May 31 of this year. Getting the savings is easy: all you have to do is buy a packet of … Continue reading

For the Strength of Youth Series: Entertainment and the Media

The Thirteenth Article of Faith states that we seek after “anything virtuous, lovely, or of good report, or praiseworthy.” Basically, we want to be culturally aware and find good things to watch, listen to, and attend. As the For the Strength of Youth pamphlet states, Satan uses some entertainment to dull our spirits and make us think that “what is wrong and evil look[s] normal and exciting.” These days you have to wade through all the junk on TV and the contorted messages portrayed through the media to find uplifting entertainment. But knowing your own personal values and standards (like … Continue reading

Dennis Hopper Dies at 74

If you have seen a picture of Dennis Hopper lately, you knew his death was inevitable and today, the inevitable took one of Hollywood’s perennial bad boys. Dennis Hopper died of prostate cancer at the age of 74. Hopper’s last public appearance was when he received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame on March 26 of this year. Hopper saw something most of today’s actors can only hope for – a career that spanned almost six decades. He did television and he did the big screen. He was in westerns, action films, and indies. He played villains, lost … Continue reading

Cartoon Review: Chowder

In our home, most all of the television that we watch is something I’ve pulled up from our recorded shows. We rarely watch live television. Because of this, my son hasn’t seen many of the cartoons that are shown on live television. Up until recently, the only cartoons that my son had been exposed to were the following: *Tom & Jerry *Spongebob Squarepants *Looney Toons *Dora the Explorer *Garfield Most of the time, my son watches recorded episodes of Spongebob Squarepants or his dvd collection of seasons of Spongebob. Since he was so interested in everything Spongebob, I never really … Continue reading

Favorite Pregnancy Themed Movies

Here is a list of some of my favorite movies featuring pregnancy: Fools Rush In I’m a sucker for dramatic child birth scenes in movies, and I know I’m not the only one! When Salma Hayek goes into labor on the bridge in the pouring rain, Matthew Perry yells, “but we’re on a dam!” as though that mattered! Every time she screams, he screams with her and his face is priceless. I always tear up when they cuddle their new baby girl together for the first time. Knocked Up I love how this movie brought up all the awkward issues … Continue reading

Entertaining Toddlers

Toddlers have a very short attention span. In order to keep them entertained, there are many tricks that parents have learned to make their lives easier. This includes what to have in the car to entertain children during heavy traffic and what to have to lessen their anxiety in the waiting room. Let’s look at some ideas for entertaining toddlers. Busy Bag for Cars A busy bag for toddlers will come in handy when you get stuck in traffic or have to wait in the dentist or doctor’s office. Filled with special goodies that your child doesn’t get to play … Continue reading

Celebrate on Ice with Disney

Ice skating was always a part of my life growing up. My brother and I were too uncoordinated to be good at going to rinks ourselves and succeed at much other than garnering a wide collection of bruises, but my mother loved watching ice skating. Any time a major competition aired, my mom would settle in to watch, and I would join her. As the years went by I developed an appreciation for the combination of artistry and athleticism that made up the sport. Our viewing also came with a healthy dose of awe for something we’d never be able … Continue reading

Frugal Christmas Entertainment

This year, why not spend most of your time preparing for Christmas by taking advantage of all of the free and low cost Christmas entertainment and activities, instead of spending that time shopping (which is not very frugal at all). Here are some of my favorite frugal Christmas entertainment activities. Breakfast with Santa This time of year, there are many opportunities to experience breakfast with Santa. This can be fun because the kids will generally get a longer time talking with Santa than if they visited him for a quick photo at the mall. Breakfast with Santa can be pricey … Continue reading

Eliminate Movie Check Out Fees

You’ve heard me say it before: the library is a great source of movies. But many libraries are now charging a check-out fee, as high as $1 a day. I have some tips for getting those movie checkouts for free, despite the fees. With the money you save, you could always make a direct donation to the library and then claim it on your taxes. If your local library charges for movie check outs, try the following tips. Check to find out if there are exemptions. Some libraries only charge for current hit movies that are in demand. If this … Continue reading