Protecting Your Home’s Air – Part 1

Did you know that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) believes that Americans spend as much as 90% of their time inside? And, the really bad part is that indoor air quality can be worse than that of the outdoors! How can you make your home air safer? There are certain pollutants, both intentional and unintentional, that we need to worry about. The intentional pollutant is obviously cigarette smoke. Not only is smoking bad for you, but it can also harm those around you. Children of smokers statistically have more respiratory tract infections. It is hard to stop smoking, but consider … Continue reading

Granite Countertops May Be Dangerous to Your Health

Granite countertops are definitely a major trend in kitchen design in the last few years. Granite countertops are strong, stain resistant, scratch resistant and look beautiful. Nowadays, if you are going to sell a home, you are at a disadvantage if you don’t have granite countertops. One of the issues with granite countertops that has been in the news lately is that these countertops may pose a health hazard to your family in the form of radon gas. Radon gas is basically a form a radiation that can leach into your home. It can expose individuals to as much radiation … Continue reading

Is Your Home Office Making You Sick?

Home office. Corporate office. Any office. In my opinion they are all environments that can compromise our mental health (slave driver boss, mandated overtime, etc.), but what about our physical health? In a previous blog Aimee detailed research that found some laser printers emit what is considered as “dangerous” levels of ultra-fine toner particles into the air. The study went on to say that people exposed to high levels of these particles are at risk of suffering respiratory irritation, severe cardiovascular problems, even cancer. Unfortunately, even if you don’t work near one of these types of laser printers there are … Continue reading