Gathering Rainwater in Los Angeles

If you live in Los Angeles, harvesting rainwater is easier than ever! The city has started a new rainwater harvesting pilot program and the best part is, they will install the rain barrel for you. The one million dollar project was set up by the Safe Neighborhood Parks, Clean Water, Clean Air and Coastal Protection Bond Act of 2000 to preserve potable water as well as put a limit the amount of polluted rainwater that runs into the Pacific Ocean. The city has installed about 430 of the 600 available barrels. It is estimated that about 584,000 gallons of rainwater … Continue reading

Collecting Rainwater

Did you know that the average American uses 101 gallons of water a day for their home and yard? As climate changes bring about increased drought, this number will become even more shocking than it already is. Some homeowners are choosing the green option of collecting rainwater. Rainwater can reduce the reliance on city water and save resources, especially as water ordinances and restrictions are becoming tighter and water more scarce. While non-purified rainwater should not be used for drinking, there are so many other uses for it. Rainwater can be used to water lawns and gardens, do laundry, fill … Continue reading