It Takes A Village

I wrote a post about fatherless homes and another blogger here on Families left a wonderful comment. She said mothers with the right support system can raise a beautiful well adjusted child, it takes a village, as she reminded me. Tonight I am reminded again of how true that really is. My niece is a single mother of a five month old. She recently went back to work full time, quite a lot on your plate when you are just eighteen. My mom is in town so tonight we went to visit my niece and the baby. This new baby … Continue reading

Raising Kids Ain’t Cheap

Whether you are a parent or not, you probably know that raising a child costs a fortune. And by fortune I don’t mean the amount of money it would take to book a private jet and tour the world on a luxurious holiday. I’m talking about the amount of cash that would allow you to purchase a very nice house in a very nice neighborhood and still allow you to drive an extremely nice car… or two. A new report out claims the cost of raising a child from birth until he graduates from college is between $397,670 and $1,239,649.22, … Continue reading

Single Parenting: Rake In the Cash with a Second Income

One thing that single parents need the most besides a little more sleep is a second income. Being a single parent means producing a dual income on a one-income check. Since this is impossible, the next best thing is for a single parent to find ways that they can bring in an extra income while staying home. Most single parents work all day. The very thought of having to take care of the kids, the house, themselves and go back out to work their second job is mind boggling. There are numerous ways that one can generate more money without … Continue reading

Who Is “Keeper At Home”?

Some of you might be thinking, “KeeperAtHome, that’s an odd handle…” When I was debating about what name I wanted to represent me as I write for Families, the Lord laid Titus 2:5 on my heart. It exhorts young women to be, “…discreet, chaste, keepers at home…” Also, in Titus 5:14 the Bible says, “I will therefore that the younger women…guide the house…” From before I was married until my son was nine months old I worked in the professional world. I had a supervisory position in a health care facility for individuals with developmental disabilities. I found my job … Continue reading

A Mother’s Influence: Raising Children to Change the World – Margaret D. Nadauld

Are you looking for the perfect Christmas gift for the mother or mother-in-law in your life? Is a good friend about to become a mother for the first time? Regardless which end of the spectrum of motherhood you happen to find yourself, this is a book that will appeal to you and give you answers to some of mothering’s most complicated questions, the largest of which surely must be: Am I good enough? In this small book of advice and encouragement for mothers, Sister Nadauld charts out the different aspects of mothering and womanhood with chapters labeled such things as … Continue reading

Snips and Snails and Puppy Dog Tails

As a child I was a tomboy. So when I found out that my first child was a boy, I thought parenting would be a snap. However, climbing tees, catching frogs, playing baseball, football, and army still was not enough to prepare me for the experience of raising boys! As a mother and adult it can be challenging to really understand my boys’ unique needs. Both of my children seem to be polar opposites in personality. One likes sports, the other music, one is introverted and the other is an extrovert. I can usually expect that whatever I cook, one … Continue reading