Diaper Rash Control: Homemade Spray

I’ve written before about my daughter’s diaper rashes. Her skin is sensitive, and she breaks out very easily, depending on the type of diapers and wipes we use. This rash isn’t simply a little redness or some bumps. It’s a full-blown, red, inflamed, scabby, awful rash. We had a system that was working well for us. We had her diaper rash under control. That all changed when she started teething. I’m not sure why teething affects diaper rashes, but I know that it caused hers to return. I again found myself trying and testing new methods to see what would … Continue reading

Chicken Pox: Stop That Itch!

The rash that accompanies a case of chicken pox is incredibly itchy! These red bumps or blisters can leave scars if they are scratched too much. So if your kids (or you) are fighting chicken pox, here are some tips to help you fight the itchies. Keep your fingernails short. That way, if you DO scratch, you won’t do as much damage. Keep your hands covered. A pair of mittens or even a pair of socks can keep you from scratching while you’re asleep. Wash your hands often. If you do scratch with dirty hands, you can spread germs into … Continue reading

Treat Poison Ivy Naturally

Lucky us… we just found poison ivy growing in the hedge behind the pool. Poison ivy — like poison oak and poison sumac — causes an extremely itchy rash that can be very contagious. If you’ve got poison ivy, avoid oil-based soaps and products. They’re only going to help the rash spread. And itching is only going to make things worse. So what do you do? You can fight plants with plants… ease your poison ivy problems with natural remedies! Chamomile and helichrysum essential oils will help ease the pain and itching of the rash AND help the skin heal. … Continue reading