Family Reading Fun

For the last week, my family has been occupied reading “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows”. Seven hundred and fifty nine pages is a lot of reading. We’ve all been at different points throughout the week, so we’ve had to be really careful about not giving things away as we talked. We have never all read the same book at the same time before. When the earlier Potter books came out, my nine year old twins were too young to be very interested. I remember seeing people on planes and at the doctor’s office reading the book. We would trade … Continue reading

Waiting for Harry Potter

I am seeing more and more countdowns to Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows on blog sites, it newspapers, and even on the screen saver of one of our computers. Here are some fun things to do while you are waiting: Guess the last word of the last book. And no, it’s not scar. J.K. Rowling said she changed it in “the eleventh hour”. You can hold your own contest among your family and friends. Even if you don’t have prizes, it’s still fun to guess. Besides, true Harry fans will love debating the last word. Go shopping for some … Continue reading

Family Book Club

You have no doubt heard of book clubs. Even Oprah has a book club, or at least she did for a while, back when I used to watch her occasionally. A book club is a group of people that select a book, which all the members will read, and the group will then get together to comment on it. Members may praise, rate, or critique the book or give their opinions regarding literal or metaphoric passages. Well, a family book club is going to be a bit more simplistic, by necessity. Young children aren’t going to wax philosophical over feats … Continue reading