Reading Scriptures with Young Children

Yesterday, I posted a blog called “Choosing Your Battles at Scripture Time.” In it, I talked about how it can be difficult to get children to pay attention to the scriptures, and that we want to make scripture time as positive as we can so that our children will want to read them by themselves later on. I also promised some tips for how to make scripture time less of a battle. This would be that promised blog. 1. Read scriptures while gathered around the dinner table. Most children take longer to eat than the adults do, and you can … Continue reading

Choosing Your Battles at Scripture Time

When we first got married, my husband said he’d like to read the scriptures every day as a family. We actually started the day of our wedding and haven’t missed a day since, except for when he’s been out of town. As the children came along and learned how to read, we’ve incorporated them into the reading, giving them simple verses and helping them as needed. We have one son who, for whatever reason, doesn’t like to read with us about half the time. He’ll fuss and complain, he’ll slur his words like he’s had one too many shots of … Continue reading