It’s Christmas!

The countdown to Christmas is on and parents the world over are feeling the heat. With Santa coming to town in just a few days, St. Nick’s mom and dad helpers are scurrying to prepare for his arrival.  Around here that means stocking up on stocking stuffers. One seasonal surprise my 8-year-old will be waking up to on December 25th is a delightful book filled with festive poems. It’s Christmas is a collection of whimsical prose that are silly, sweet and perfect for the season. Author Jack Prelutsky does a phenomenal job of making merry with his hilarious takes on … Continue reading

The Most Vital thing You Can Do for Your Child’s Education

Today as promised, here is the most vital information about your child’s education and something any parent can do. The most important thing you can do for your child’s education is read to them, read to them from the time they are babies. Some experts believe even before they are born- while they are still in the womb. While we never went that far, we did read to our children from the time they were born. We read all sorts of books, starting with short, simple ones. As they got older we looked for those with good stories and use … Continue reading

Is Your Spouse Missing Out?

Is your spouse missing out on valuable family time and a real bonding experience with your children? In an article published earlier this year it was reported that only 1 in 30 men in the UK found time to read a bedtime story to their children. I suspect the situation wouldn’t look that different in the USA or Australia either. Reasons for the lack of bedtime reading were cited as long hours and work commitments and tiredness. When women were interviewed the results were 9 out of 10 still found time to read to their children. I admit this is … Continue reading

A Storybook Dollhouse

It’s no secret that we like books around here. Not only do they educate and entertain, but they give our family a shared common experience. Our library has done something with children’s books and a dollhouse that is so fun and unique. At first glance, it’s a furnished dollhouse. But the more you look, the more you find references to children’s books in this storybook house. The library’s house probably has at least a hundred. And at the risk of embarrassing him, even my teenager had a great time identifying the different objects from beloved books. See how many of … Continue reading

Tristi’s Picks: Best Children’s/YA Books Read in 2006

To go along with the blog posted earlier about the best novels I’ve read in the year 2006, I’m sharing with you a list of books for children and young adults that I particularly enjoyed. Again, it was difficult to determine an order; I happened across some wonderful books this year. Click on the book title to read the full review. 1. “Ashes of Roses” by Mary Jane Auch. The story of the Triangle Factory Fire in New York City, I learned a great deal about the young immigrant workers who perished in the fire and the labor laws that … Continue reading