Reading About Divorce

We all know how important it is to read to our kids. It’s good for them as a learning tool and its good quality time. Our kids have our undivided attention for that little bit of time. Reading together is also a time for our children to learn how to handle issues that arise in their lives. There are books about getting a, books for going to the doctor or dentist, even books about when Grandma is sick. Some of the most important books we can read to our children are about divorce. Most kids internalize things, because they … Continue reading

A Basic Human Right

Are you depriving your children of a basic human right? Shelter, food and love are basic human rights and ones that all children deserve to experience. But UK author Michael Morpurgo, has added another to that list. His view is that parents who don’t read to their children are depriving them of a basic human right. I agree. You might say time is the problem. I heard someone on the radio the other day say ‘time is a luxury item these days.’ Maybe so. But we all have the same number of hours in a day. No matter how busy … Continue reading