How Realistic Are Your Expectations?

I remember years ago when I had tiny children and found myself increasingly parenting on my own–there would be weeks where I was solo parenting and I had certainly never expected that I would be “that kind of parent.” That hadn’t been the agreement I had with my husband and my children’s father, after all! We were going to do everything 50/50, or so he had promised. Over time, I learned all sorts of important lessons about parenting on one’s own—enough so that when it became apparent that I was “almost” on my own and the marriage was over, I … Continue reading

Home and Family: Stress Solutions

Every family deals with stress at times. It’s just a fact of life. Sometimes, it’s just a matter of too many things going on all at once, and getting more organized or turning down some of those activities can have a big impact. Other times, there are more pressing or serious issues at play that you may have no control over. Whatever is creating stress in your home there are some ways to help lessen its effects on you and your family. Take Care of Yourself This may be the most important piece of advice. Try to avoid letting stress … Continue reading