Freezer Cooking: What I Love Best (2)

As I explained in the other article, there are many different reasons that I love freezer cooking, but there are a few reasons that I really love it and a few ways it has changed me and my family. I already explained a few, but here are a few more. Open Door Policy The other thing I really love about freezer cooking, is that if you have a last minute dinner guest, or you wish to have friends stay for dinner, you have meals all ready to go. Just grab them from the freezer and prepare as directed. You always … Continue reading

Freezer Cooking: What I Love Best (1)

While there are many different reasons that I love freezer cooking, and why it is the perfect option for me and my family, there are a few reasons that I really love it. It would be silly not to mention the ease of doing it, the time it saves and the amount of money it saves, but I can do better than that. No More Nightly Ties To The Kitchen That was probably my primary reason originally to begin freezer cooking. I wanted to avoid standing in my kitchen, trying to decide what’s for dinner, and then having to spend … Continue reading

The Reasons Babies Cry

The simple fact is that babies cry. All babies cry. Crying is how your baby communicates with you. In the first year of their life, you need to recognize and accept the fact that your baby cries and is going to cry. From the moment they are born, they cry. A healthy baby takes in their first breath of air and as it is expelled, they are screaming. So the upside of crying is that a healthy baby does this at birth. Other Signals Your baby may communicate in other signals along with their crying. They may clench their fists. … Continue reading

Ten Reasons Why I Love Doing Projects With My Daughter

I am one of the least crafty people I know. For years, I would watch my mother see items or objects in magazines and create them without even trying. She could sew, she could paint, and she could build bookshelves and more. I never seemed to be able to enjoy similar activities much less perform them. But being a parent is about more than just providing shelter and food for your child, but about inspiring their own creative impulses. I’m a writer, but my daughter seems to have the same artistic leanings as my mother. So being her mother and … Continue reading

Why Do We Marry?

I’m not trying to be hypothetical nor am I trying to be contrary, my question is an honest one. Why do we marry? My husband and I had a great relationship before he asked me to marry him. We built a great relationship after we were married too. So why do we marry? The reasons are varied, but among some of the more popular answers to this question are: To deepen their relationship with another To fulfill a need in their soul To have a sexual relationship To deepen a friendship To have a companion on the path of life … Continue reading

The Thursday Twenty-Ten Reason

Why should you lose 20 pounds? Do you need the reasons listed for you? You know what you need to lose and you know why. But if you need help making a list, let me throw in my buck fifty in thoughts on the subject. The following are my top ten reasons why I still need to lose weight and continue to improve my fitness! Because I talk about here and everywhere else. I know I haven’t achieved my ideal weight and I really want to see those numbers on my scale again The gross out factor makes me want … Continue reading

10 Reasons to Work Out At Home

Are you looking for some good reasons to skip out on that gym membership you aren’t using? Or maybe you are trying to wrestle between signing up at the gym or working out at home or maybe you just like top ten lists – whatever your fancy is – here the top 10 reasons to work out at home in honor of July 10 and our top ten on the 10th day. (Yes, I know – any excuse to do a list!) Working out at home can happen on your schedule – all you need is your own home equipment … Continue reading