Attitudes Portray that Rapists Can’t Control Urges

A recent study of 2000 Victorian (Australia) adults supports that ALMOST two in five people think that men who rape do so because they can’t control their urges. The Violence Against Women Community Attitudes Project also discovered that one in four people believe domestic violence is acceptable as long as the perpetrator genuinely regrets it afterwards. Is it any wonder then that one in five women will experience intimate partner violence in their relationship? Chief Executive Officer of VicHealth, Dr Rob Moodie, sadly stated that the attitudinal figures showed negative attitudes that cause harm to women are still prevalent in … Continue reading

The NET worth of a sexual predator.

Sexual predators defraud where ever and when ever they can. Like trolls prettied up as princes, they permeate every part of society and pick their targets from where ever they can access them: including the internet. They know no class or gender bounds; they instead pick anyone who falls for their fraudulent and cowardly manipulation. Their net casts over us all, yes, even those members on Be careful, be warned, be vigilant of whom you share personal information with. I have already had a dubious contact through It was dealt with, the person banned immediately, and there has … Continue reading

Reclaim the Night: An Electronic March for Women

This is an electronic march for ALL women (you do not have to be a survivor of sexual assault to participate) to safely Reclaim our Right to Take Back the Night. Rape and sexual assault is not our fault. Why should we have to curb our natural behaviors due to fear of being hurt. It is time for predators to take responsibility: for them to have to walk with others for protection, for them to have to stay indoors at nighttime, for them to stop raping our women and children. The twenty seventh of October 2006 marks the 30th anniversary … Continue reading

Calling Non-Violent Men to Reclaim the Knight

Calling all Knights: We need your help to reach all men. It’s time to come out of your caves and draw a line in the sand with your sword. The silent majority are often taken as agreeing with an issue. Sexual violence against women and children is an issue surrounded in secrecy, dominance and re-perpetrations. Sexual violence is a gendered crime which means that far more men than women perpetrate atrocities against women and children. Does your silence mean you agree that sexual violence is an acceptable thing to have occur? If not, speak up. Men are part of the … Continue reading