Prevent Pool-Borne Illnesses

Recreational water illnesses are easily prevented by taking a few simple steps! Whether you are the pool owner, you are visiting friends, or use a community pool, keep these tips in mind: Practice general good hygiene. Take a shower before swimming. Wash your hands with soap and water after eating, using the bathroom, and changing diapers. Germs on your body can end up in the water and be a hazard to everyone! Make sure your children are clean before swimming. Pay special attention to the rear end! Invisible amounts of fecal matter can end up in the pool. Washing with … Continue reading

Swimmer’s Ear

If you love to swim, you’ve probably encountered Swimmer’s Ear at least once in your life. I had it once when I was younger and I hope I never ever have it again! My ear hurt all the way down into my jaw and I was miserable until it cleared up. So what is Swimmer’s Ear? It is an infection of the ear and ear canal, usually caused by a germ by the name of “pseudomonas aeurginosa”. It is a pretty common germ found in soil and water. If you have Swimmer’s Ear, you may feel itching or pain (or … Continue reading