Recycling Denim – Part 1

If you loved my “Recycling Old Record Albums” blog, chances are you have another type of material that needs to be recycled – denim! Chances are that you have denim that needs recycling, whether it is yours, your spouses, or your kids. Remember that if you are just tired of your old jeans, but they are still in decent shape, you can always donate them to a local thrift store! What can you do with old denim? Here are a few ideas: Hot Rice Pack Oh, do I need one of these with my aching back! You can use the … Continue reading

Recycling Vinyl Record Album Covers

When CDs first came out, I was reluctant to jump on board. Part of it was that I was just getting older and didn’t like switching to new technology, but it wasn’t entirely that. Part of it was the fact that a vinyl record to me was an experience. The album cover art was big, not all scrunched up in a 5 x 5 inch space. Also, the record sleeve often contained more art, lyrics, or a combination of the two. I know many CDs have lyrics included, but honestly, you almost need a magnifying glass to read them! Just … Continue reading

How to Recycle Crayons

Did you know that when crayons are tossed out in the garbage, they can spend almost an eternity in a landfill? Who knew that such a little think could contribute to the trash on our planet? As a household with three young children, crayons are everywhere. There are the broken ones, the ones that are of unpopular colors and the ones that get replaced when a gift of a new box of well-dressed crayons appears. Ah, it is that new crayon smell that no one can resist. There are several ways that you can recycle crayons and keep them out … Continue reading

Guide to Recycling Electronics 3

In our household there are so many electronic devices that we rely on using to get through the day. But technology is always growing and changing, leaving many of our devices obsolete and in need of being upgraded or replaced. It is important to practice responsible recycling of electronics, for the health of our planet and even the health of ourselves. Let’s keep dangerous chemicals out of the mix with this guide to recycling electronics. Today, let’s talk about recycling cell phones and small electronic devices, such as MP3 players. Cell phones and small devices are some of the most … Continue reading

Guide to Recycling Electronics

According to the Environmental Protection Agency, Americans toss out about 2 million tons of e-waste, that is electronic devices that are no longer useful. Computers and other electronics can actually provide hazards to the environment beyond just taking up space as trash. Electronic waste can leach all sorts of dangerous chemicals, such as arsenic, lead, mercury and other toxic elements. That is why it is so important to recycle electronics properly. Here is a guide for you to use. Let’s start with the biggest electronic impact to the environment, computers. More computers are tossed ever year over any other electronic … Continue reading

Smart Solutions for Non Recyclables

We know that we are doing well for the environment when our recycling is much larger than our garbage. Recycling to reduce the amount of trash you leave behind on the planet is a wonderful thing. But what do you do with all of those things that can’t be recycled, such as electronic equipment or plastics that aren’t collected in your area? Here are some tips. First, if you have something usable, consider posting it to a group such as freecycle. Even items that need a little repair may be wanted by someone who can fix them up. I’ve gotten … Continue reading

Save Money on Paper

As we move into a time of higher gas prices and a rising inflation, we all need to focus more on watching our spending. Taking a more frugal approach when using items in our life will help us with our budgets overall. Given this, today I would like to highlight some ways to save on paper. Paper is a huge part of our lives – bags, drawing, notes and more. Whether you just use a ton at home or you own a business, finding some key ways to save on this item will help us all reduce a common expense. … Continue reading

The Green Mouse?

I’ve always found Disney to be on the cutting edge of social and technological change. This was the dream of Walt and that dream continues into the 21st century. Conservation has always been a commitment of Disney. In April, the last of Disney’s resorts have come up to the green stardards of the Florida’s Greed Lodging Program. Disney’s Yacht & Beach Club (hey, I was married there in their rose garden in 1999) was the last of the 23 resorts to come up to the green standards. Disney World’s 23 resorts have now all received Florida Department of Environmenal Protection’s … Continue reading

How Much Disposable Family “Stuff”?

My two eldest children have been getting on my case about the amount of plastics we use and the amount of disposable items that our family “supports” that end up either in the recycling or the trash. As green and aware as I want to be, I also fully admit that the realities of herding a single parent family sometimes reinforce my choosing convenience over environmentally sound. Besides, it sometimes feels like opening a huge can of worms or a battle that no matter what I try to do I never will fully be able to win… I thought I … Continue reading

6 Uses for Used Calendars

Don’t throw out that 2007 calendar just yet. It might be 2008, but there is no reason to let something like that go to waste. After you have recorded the dates and other information you want to remember, follow these creative and clever ideas to use that old calendar in a new way. Nearly every calendar has a pretty picture for each month, here are some ideas to use those pictures. They make a fun and creative gift wrap for small packages. You would wrap the same way you would wrap with wrapping paper leaving the date part on the … Continue reading