Creating Child-friendly Homes

Do you think about your kids when you are considering purchasing a home or when remodeling? You should, they are part of your family also and in doing so you send the message to your kids that you are glad they are living with you. At least that’s what ParentLife thinks. In their September 2005 issue, they offered the top 10 tips for a child-friendly home, they are: (1) If you are thinking of remodeling, ask your child for his opinion about décor. (2) Make sure each child has his own space. Even if sharing a room with a sibling, … Continue reading

Before and After

Are you planning to redo a space in your home? Whether you recently moved into a new home or you are redecorating a room, it’s nice to have a before and after record of the transformation. You can create a simple scrapbook to track the changes. It is a good idea to take several pictures before you begin the process, after the room is emptied, and during each stage of the redecorating process. When the space is finished, take pictures from every angle to show off your work. If you removed wallpaper in the process of redoing the room, or … Continue reading

How to Choose Furniture

When shopping for furniture, try some of these tips to help you choose pieces that are comfortable and a good value. Sofas and Loveseats Place both hands on the back of the sofa or loveseat and squeeze. You shouldn’t be able to feel the frame through the padding. With both hands placed firmly on the back, try to give the piece a good shake. If you feel much movement, move on to another piece. Sit on sofas or loveseats to make sure the cushions are firm. Also, measure the sofa for length and height but don’t forget to measure for … Continue reading