Redefining Words: You Won’t Believe this One

I’m sick of the so-called progressive movement to redefine long recognized traditions to incorporate anything and everything that certain groups or segments feel should be force fed to the rest of society. Are you ready for this one? There are now groups of people who want to redefine monogamy. Yes, monogamy! What does monogamy mean anyway? Most of us know that it clearly means a relationship with one other person. Mono means one. One mate, one spouse, one partner, one significant other, one other person, no matter how you choose to describe him or her. Well, that may no longer … Continue reading

Marriage Debates: Unrealistic Demand

I recently saw this attitude on a forum, and I’ve seen it numerous times on others. It’s not a direct quote from any of those sources, but a summary of the same idea I keep coming across: “Just make people who don’t agree with gay marriage come up with another name for their relationships.” Huh? Now some want to kick married people out of marriage altogether? Marriage has been a protected institution for centuries. It is not just a religious issue either, despite terms like matrimony. While religion does play a role for many, the secular terms for marriage have … Continue reading