Top Ten Best Fitness Goals You Can Set for Yourself

In an earlier article, we talked about the Top Ten Best Fitness Gifts You Can Give Yourself, let’s talk about the best fitness goals you can set for yourself as we approach the new year and a time for new year’s resolutions – this might help you clarify the resolutions you want to set for yourself and build your resolution plan. Don’t worry if you’re not sure what a resolution plan is, we’re going to talk more about that here over the next week as January 1st approaches. In the meanwhile, here are the top ten best fitness goals you … Continue reading

Friday Fitness: The Psychological Benefits of Exercise

There are many benefits we’ve discussed that exercise provides for you and for your family. Remember, when you are healthier, happier and more likely to live healthier and longer – your family benefits as well. One of the reasons I enjoy exercising regularly is because I know it’s a great gift that I can give to my daughter – because it means I’ll be healthier and less stressed – and how can a child not benefit from that? But beyond the obvious physical benefits of exercise, there are some impressive psychological benefits as well. So what are the psychological benefits … Continue reading

Stop Smoking: Exercise Can Help

I made a confession earlier – today I took the first step in stopping smoking. I am not lighting a cigarette. I am cleaning out the ashtray. I am dismantling my ‘smoking area’ where I go to smoke. I am changing habits formed over 20 years of addiction in order to break that addiction and put myself in the non-smoking section of the restaurant. Exercise Can Help When you are trying to quit smoking, it can be incredibly hard and not just because of the withdrawal symptoms and the changes in daily habits, the rise in stress levels, but also … Continue reading

Artwork and Relaxation

Most people enjoy art even if they are not exactly connoisseurs. Different ways of using space and color can achieve many different thoughts and feelings. Some paintings as well as other works of art draw emotion from the viewer, while others may be inspirational, provocative, or may make either a strong or a simple statement. The type of artwork you choose, may tell people a lot about you. It may also make a difference in how well you are able to relax. For example, it is said that photos or portraits of children in the master bedroom of a married … Continue reading

10 Top Reasons to Exercise

Do you need reasons to exercise? Sometimes just knowing something is good for you is not as effective as listing the specific reasons why it is good for you. Sure, we know that daily exercise is something we should all aspire to. But just knowing that exercise (which in and of itself is a nebulous term) is good for you is different than knowing maintaining good posture can improve your mental and physical health. So here are my top ten reasons to exercise. Be sure to add your own! Exercise helps me to control my body weight Exercise increases my … Continue reading

What does exercise do for you?

Regular exercise relaxes tense muscles, helps people sleep well and releases endorphins, adrenalin, serotonin and dopamine. Exercise not only improves physical well being, but it also has been found to: Reduce Stress Relieve Anxiety Enhance Self-Esteem Reduce Depression Strengthens the Heart Improves Lung Capacity Lowers Cholesterol Lowers Blood Pressure Supports Weight Loss Efforts Supports Weight Maintenance Boosts the Immune System The question should not be what does exercise do for you but why don’t I exercise more often? When you engage in physical exercise you are engaging in an activity that is beneficial to the whole concept of your mind, … Continue reading

Pregnancy & Exercise

When you’re pregnant, you may not feel like you are up to running a marathon or up stairs. This is understandable, your body is going through a lot of changes and eating up a lot of energy to help your little one develop. However, most women benefit from exercising throughout their pregnancy. Two caveats before we go any further in this: if you have never exercised and you’re pregnant, do not start without consulting your physician. It’s important that you listen to your body when it comes to exercise and pregnancy. Also, if you exercised regularly before you became pregnant, … Continue reading