Saving Produce to Save Money

Don’t throw it out! Is half of your summer produce winding up in the trash? The summer heat can shorten the life of fresh produce. But, if you have a few secrets in your kitchen, you can reduce your produce waste. I recently posted an article in the food blog called “Fun with Celery.” In that article, I gave a surprising but simple tip on how to make your celery last twice as long. The article made me start thinking about how we used to waste a lot of produce. I would by a variety of fresh and healthy fruits … Continue reading

Saving Money on Wallpaper

Wallpaper can give any room almost instant appeal. It is a little fancier than paint ,and with proper care, it can last a good long time. Wallpaper sometimes has a reputation of being expensive. This isn’t because it is unusually expensive itself (just like paint, prices and quality can very), but because there can be a lot of waste involved. Reducing that waste will save you money, no matter which brand of paper you use. If you have fallen in love with a particularly expensive wallpaper then the waste issue becomes an even bigger issue when planning your room budget. … Continue reading