Kitchen Guide–Food Storage Part 2

In my previous blog “Kitchen Guide-Food Storage Part 1” I provided a list of the best places to store food so they stay fresher, taste better, and deliver more health benefits. Obviously, the refrigerator is an important tool when it comes to food storage. But, as I have learned (the hard way) in order to prolong the shelf life of certain foods, it takes more than just opening the fridge and randomly throwing products in. By putting food items in the “proper” place, you not only extend their shelf life, you also maximize the value of your refrigerator. Top Shelves … Continue reading

Maytag Ice2O Refrigerator

Welcome to the latest in refrigerator technology — the new Maytag Ice2O Refrigerator. I saw this fridge at Home Depot when my husband and I went in there so that he could look at tools for work. Did I mention that my husband works for Maytag? In fact, he is the one who showed me this refrigerator and I fell in love with it. Stemming from the fact that I would probably spend 90% of my day in the kitchen if I could, it would be nice to have a fridge with such a capacity. Allow me to explain the … Continue reading

You and Your Refrigerator

I am the world’s worst about keeping the fridge clean. If I were to drop tomorrow, my dear husband would probably eat the canned ravioli that has been in there for a week…and a half. I also rarely check the temperature, am not very diligent about cleaning up juice spills, and leave jars of pickles with one little solitary pickle floating for months. But, no more! I vow to keep my fridge clean and safe with these tips and hints: Less than half of the consumers surveyed by The American Diabetic Association (ADA) and ConAgra Foundation know that the fridge … Continue reading