Full Refunds? Or Subtract a Processing Fee?

Your business may be so new that you haven’t had to figure out the “refund” question yet—or you may be unsatisfied with whatever your current refund policy is and need to revisit it. For some of us, the question is simply: do we give refunds or not? But, it might also be expanded to include decisions about when and why we might give refunds, and whether or not we give a full refund or we subtract a processing fee? In the world of conference and meeting planning—where I still do some work in addition to my writing work, full refunds … Continue reading

Post Holiday Shopping: Returns and Refunds

Returning items to the store for exchange or refund can be a frustrating experience, especially after the holidays. You certainly won’t be the only person in line. In fact, the lines can be very long, and some people become cranky, which adds to everyone’s frustration. Try going to the store at odd hours when things aren’t quite so busy, so you won’t have to wait in line as long. Super stores that are open 24 hours, don’t tend to be as busy early in the morning or later at night. Returns can also be problematic if you are hassled. I … Continue reading