Frugal Ideas for Unwanted Gifts (2)

If you have some gifts that just weren’t a perfect fit, don’t worry. You can use these tips to take advantage of having those gifts, even if they weren’t exactly what you wanted. Don’t just throw those gifts in a drawer, closet or basement, never to be seen again. Use them frugally! This is the second part of the earlier article: Frugal Ideas for Unwanted Gifts (1). In that article, we talked about two ideas for those unwanted gifts, now we’ll follow up with three more ideas: Exchange, Sell and Donate. Here we go. Exchange Having an exchange is a … Continue reading

Frugal Ideas for Unwanted Gifts (1)

Did santa miss the mark on a gift or two? Maybe you really wanted a mixer instead of a Hermes bag or vice versa? Your first instinct might be to stuff the item in the closet, basement and garage and forget about it until the next time you decide to clean one of those areas. But, there are plenty of frugal ways to deal with gifts that are less than perfect and save yourself some money. If you have an unwanted gift, you can do one of the following things: Re-gift Return Exchange Sell Donate. I’ll offer the hows and … Continue reading

Re-gifting and Re-using

Many people shy away from re-gifting after having heard horror stories of giving a gift back to the original giver. However, with care you don’t have to end up embarrassed. You can also do “partial” re-gifting. If you or your kids received one of those large popcorn tins with a holiday scene on it, you can re-use it once the popcorn is gone to package another gift. It will work great as packaging for a fragile item, with a little filler inside to help protect the gift. On the other hand, you could use it for one of Mary Ann’s … Continue reading

Yard Sale Shopping: Is Buying Gifts Tacky?

We all know the controversy surrounding re-gifting. You know, when you get a gift and then instead of using it, you give it to someone else, passing it off as a gift you personally bought for the person. Some people say it is money smart to re-gift, while others say it is just plain tacky. Still others have an opinion somewhere in the middle, such as it is okay to re-gift if there is no chance that either the original gift giver, or the person you are giving the gift to, will ever find out. But what about buying gifts … Continue reading

The Art of Re-Gifting

The holidays are just around the corner… so have you gotten all of your shopping done? (I haven’t even started.) If you are still in the “planning” stages–don’t fret–it happens to all of us (Okay, maybe not Martha Stewart), time marches on (often without us) and sometimes procrastination becomes the mother of invention. Enter the art of re-gifting. You know what I am talking about. Re-gifting: the art (and the best re-gifters truly make it such) of taking that unwanted picture frame you got from Aunt Edna and giving it to your co-worker (tucked inside a beautiful box and tied … Continue reading