Peas in a Pod?

Are you and your spouse as happy as two peas in a pod? You might want to think about adding some of these Ps to you marriage if they don’t already exist. Patience Patience is a key ingredient within marriage. This is especially necessary when you are first married. That first year of marriage can be extremely difficult as you get used to the new situation of living and sleeping with someone else, of catering to their needs and thinking of them rather than just always pleasing yourself. You need patience because a good marriage doesn’t just happen. It takes … Continue reading Marriage Blog Makes a Top 100 List

This morning when I checked my emails I was greeted with a nice surprise. A lady named Fiona King had written to tell me that her website (I believe it’s called Nerds Do It Better which is somehow connected/sponsored by/or otherwise affiliated with 100BestDatingSites) had posted an article called “Ask the Experts: 100 Best Blogs for Relationship Advice.” She thought it might be something I thought readers would find interesting, and also pointed out the Marriage Blog had made the list. Yes, you read that right, you awesome Marriage Blog devotees. You helped put us on a Top … Continue reading

The Marriage Blog Week in Review June 2 – June 8

Wow, we’re wrapping up our first full week of June and has summer gotten started off with a bang? It’s the most popular month for weddings and we’ve got a lot of marriage in the news, marriage tips, and marriage advice and much more on marriage. So let’s take a look at our week in review: Saturday, June 2 My Spouse Won’t Go to the Doctor and it’s frustrating for you to cope with their illness and your own concern. So what can you do? Check out this article for some ideas and tips. Sunday, June 3 Marriage in the … Continue reading

The Marriage Blog Week in Review February 17 – March 2, 2007

Wow, has it really been two weeks since the last time I sat down to write a week in review? This is what happens when it gets too painful to sit in the upright position and type and for that you have my apologies. So we’re going to do a catch us up Marriage Blog Weeks in Review (two of them to be exact) and we’re going to do a rundown of what you may have missed if you were laid up for the last couple of weeks like I was. So without further ado, let’s dive in! Saturday, February … Continue reading

The Marriage Blog Week in Review for Jan 13-19

Good morning, welcome to the weekend’s marriage blog week in review, our way of trying to catch you up on the blogs you may have missed this week. For starters, in case you may have missed it, a new blogger has joined Sherry and I here as a regular Marriage blogger and she brings with her expertise in marriage therapy as well as in her own unique perspective. So be sure to check out Elizabeth Kane’s blog as you review this week’s entries. Saturday, January 13 Marriage: Mountains and Molehills confronts an issue that while we’re all prone to exaggerating, … Continue reading

Do You Want an Advice Column Here?

I have a question for our readers here in the marriage blog. The question, of course, is the topic of this blog – would you like to see an advice column featured here in the Marriage Blog. We address a lot of different topics and we do our best to bring you the most current news and information on a variety of different subjects with regard to marriage and relationships. Advice is a dangerous business though because advice is based on our opinions and how we would handle things and our own experience with the different topics. But relationship advice … Continue reading

The Hard Questions

Sometimes, we get so caught up on the hard questions that it’s the question we focus on instead of the answer. When I was growing up, I remember asking my grandmother about how did you know when you were going to have a marriage that lasted for happily ever after and she said that was a hard question. I remember asking, how did you know if you could love someone forever and she said that was a hard question. Hard questions are hard because you can’t answer them definitively. Faith is a hard question – because you have to accept … Continue reading

Do You Know What Are You Looking for in a Spouse?

It’s easy to say you are on the market and you are looking for love. It’s easy to say you are looking for that special someone that you can settle down with for the rest of your life. It’s easy to say you’ll know him when you see him, but that’s not always the right things to be looking for. Whether you are male or female, you are looking for a partner who can fulfill your needs. Do you know what those needs are? Can you sit down and write out a list of the needs you require your future … Continue reading

Marriage Tips: Never Settle Again

The hard part about marriage is sometimes you get into a routine and you get so busy taking care of the things in your life, that you forget to live your lives. Today is a day that you can change all of that. No, you’re not going to win the lottery. No, your problems are not all going to miraculously evaporate. What needs to happen, what will happen is that you resolve to fight for your lives and to live your lives in spite of the problems. Marriage Resolutions Think about how you spend your day-to-day lives. You are both … Continue reading

Who are you married to?

The person we marry is usually the person who closely shares our interests. There is a great deal of truth to the fact that opposites attract, but even those opposites have some things in common including common interests. No matter how alike your interests were ten years ago, chances are – those interests have adjusted over the years. So, who are you married to? Do you know what your spouse’s interests are these days? Are they still interested in the same things? Are you? It’s important to get reacquainted with the interests and hobbies that your spouse likes. It’s equally … Continue reading