Do You Travel Well With Your Spouse?

My psychology teacher in high school had a philosophy about traveling and marriage that I’ve never forgotten and now believe he was dead-on about: if you and your spouse travel well together, it’s true love. Your bond is strong, deep, and stable and built to endure. When I first heard this concept I think I was all of 16. Wayne and I were together, but traveling at that juncture consisted of day trips to the mountains, Colorado Springs, or Boulder. Which we did well together, and often, because we both liked to experience new places, sightsee, etc. At that time … Continue reading

Marriage Tips: Lions, Bills and Timing Oh My!

When it comes to being married, you can get overwhelmed with a lion’s share of obligations, bills and bad timing. It can be hard to imagine in the first years of your marriage that there may come a time when children, work, family and financial obligations are pulling you in opposite directions. The thing about it, is that it’s insidious. It starts a little bit at the time, you don’t go from doing everything together to doing everything apart overnight. It just starts to happen. Take a Moment It’s important to stop every so often and take stock of what … Continue reading

What Husbands Need

While most marriage discussions may center around who did what wrong or who is doing what right, few seem to address what we as individuals need from each other and fewer still talk about what men need from their wives. On the other hand, I may be biased since I’m a woman and I may just not be looking in the right places. But I think as a wife, it’s important to investigate what our husbands need as much as it is to look at what we need. Why? Because when our husband needs something – he usually needs it … Continue reading

The Weight of the World

Yesterday, I went out shopping with my mother for some essentials necessary to get the midget ready for her Ballet I class that starts this Wednesday and then off to the pet store for supplies and this is before we go to the shoe store and Target for other need to buy items. Anyway, long story short, my mother and I are in the pet store and we just needed to grab two or three things. One of those things was a fifty-pound bag of dog food. Now if you are wondering what the heck does a fifty-pound bag of … Continue reading

My Remember When

I wanted to take a moment to have an about your blogger post. I never really wrote an introduction for myself here at the marriage blog and after three and half months here, I’m fairly sure you have a good idea of who I am. But this last week my husband and I celebrated ten years together. So on that note, I wanted to share with you my remember when. The Laughter In the decade that my husband and I have been together, I have laughed more than in the twenty-four years previous to that time. It’s telling on a … Continue reading

Wow – When Did You Get So Domestic?

Over the years, a number of our single friends have drifted away. They have either found other singles to hang out with or entered into relationships of their own. One way or another, our shared interests dissipated. About two years into our marriage, my husband and I shared a uniquely similar experience although with vastly different commentary from our single friends. It was about this time that we bought and started carrying cell phones on a regular basis. We’d long since developed the habits of checking in with each other periodically over the course of the day, but here is … Continue reading

Oppposites Attract

There is no greater truism in Hollywood and romance novels that opposites attract. The saying comes from the idea of the magnetism. In magnetism – the two opposing forces are so powerful that they are indelible drawn to each other. In real life, our opposite is always extremely attractive. Have you ever wondered why? Well, initially, those differences in personality and personal behavior fuel the fires of what many view as the great passion of an early relationship. There is a thrill associated with doing things you might not have dared to do before. There is something equally appealing to … Continue reading

Problem Solving – Resolving Together

How can I fix my partner? That’s not the question you should ask if you’re working on resolving problems. Resolving a problem takes both parties and you should never focus on fixing your partner’s problems or issues. You cannot fix their problems. You can only fix your own. The first step is to make positive changes in us. If the thought that goes through your mind is ‘why should I make the changes?’ It’s important to understand that when you take the initiative, you have the most to gain and you are setting the agenda. That’s right, you are taking … Continue reading