Take a Work Break

I was getting ready to write today’s blog entry and instead took a brief break. My daughter had the idea to write a job’s article on taking a break. I actually think this is an important idea. Too often, we become focused on sitting and working, forgetting to take our necessary breaks. A ten-minute break is not just something a union imposes on you, it is truly critical for job performance. Your body and mind need a break in order to be the most productive. Therefore, stop working and take a break. In those 10 to 20 minutes, here are … Continue reading

Just “Be Together”—Don’t Try to Turn it Into a Parenting Moment

As parents, we can put a lot of pressure on our interactions with our children. We may feel obligated to make the most of rare time together, or we may have read so much about how to be a “good” parent or a “quality” parent that we think every time we spend any time with our child we need to be parenting. In order to build strong bonds, however, and help our children to grow up comfortable and independent, we need to just enjoy being with them and not always be trying to teach and instruct. I have found that … Continue reading

Sometimes, the Best Things Happen when You’re Not Even Looking

I can be the queen of over-work and over-focus. I have not always been this way, but over the years I have risen to the challenges of single parenthood and become a hard worker, a serious organizer, and an annoying planner. Even so, I am also learning as I slip into my fifth decade that sometimes the best things happen when I am not even paying attention—or when I ease up and stop working quite so hard. Many of us wrestle with the difference between being in control and being controlling. I know firsthand that a typical reaction to the … Continue reading

Never Underestimate the Power of Baths and Naps

As single parents, we are often in need of a little rest and respite. Sure a week or two laying on a warm beach or curled up in a secluded cabin with someone waiting on our every need might be nice–but not very practical or likely for most of us. After nearly two decades of parenting, working, and “the drill”–I have learned that a warm, sudsy bath or a little nap can do wonders to keep this single parent functioning. It might sound obvious and simple–but slipping into a warm bath and soaking for ten minutes after work or before … Continue reading

Are You Too Time Conscious?

I am working on letting go a bit on the whole “time thing”—as someone who has been on a schedule for years—work, kids, volunteer projects, coaching sports teams, Girl Scout meetings, etc. I have stayed pretty connected to the clock. But, I’ve tucked my watches away in my jewelry box and I am trying to be more present without being chained to the clock. My work does not require that I punch in certain hours, so I now have some flexibility there. Additionally, my children are much more self-managing so I am no longer responsible for getting them where they … Continue reading

Your Home: Peace and Quiet

Our homes can be noisy places. The noise level has a lot to do with the amount of activity, but even when your family members aren’t particularly active, there are still many sounds. The TV, the stereo, people talking, children laughing, water running, the furnace or air conditioner blowing, and perhaps the washing machine or dryer going, can make for a lot of noise. These and other noises, or the combination of many, may not even be loud, but all that noise together can take its toll on us. Sometimes, we just need to turn off as many items as … Continue reading

A Lazy Day to Do Nothing

Sometime, instead of planning an actual date night, consider just taking a day together to do nothing. Relax. Be lazy. Lie around in your jammies. Drink coffee and read the paper in bed, or just stay snuggled up and watch a great old movie. Order take-out or better yet, have something delivered. We all need to spend time with our spouses and sometimes that means getting out of the house; however, doing nothing can also be very therapeutic. This is especially true for those with hectic schedules. Years ago, my husband worked days and I worked nights. His mom would … Continue reading

Make Resting Fun

It is important to get plenty of rest in order to stay healthy and fit. We all know this, but it is much easier to talk about than it is to put into practice. This is especially true when we have a lot going on like now, during the holidays. So, what can we do to make sure we and our family members are getting enough rest? We can try to make it fun. Most kids would and some grown ups would much rather play than rest. However, rest doesn’t always have to mean sleeping more hours or taking a … Continue reading

Quitting Time

No matter how busy your household is, each person living in your home has to have some time off from the daily grind. Moms and Dads need more than just time off work, they also need a break, a chance to “clock out” from daily demands at home. Parents need some time alone and some time to get out away from the responsibilities of daily living. Scheduling a little time off regularly, makes it easier to cope. Children also need time off. They can’t come home from school, do homework, eat, do chores, shower, and go to bed. They need … Continue reading

Making Babies or Making Love?

You and your spouse have decided it’s time to start a family. Congratulations! There is no more profound experience for husband and wife than becoming parents together. Getting there can be an experience all its own, which is sometimes quite enjoyable, but may also become rather stressful for some. If it doesn’t happen right away, one or both spouses may begin to feel pressured to make it happen. In many cases, the timing just isn’t right but it will happen. If you are seriously concerned, consult with a medical professional. However, try to relax and realize that there is a … Continue reading