Learning to relax (2)

Correct breathing is an essential part of learning to relax, so today we’ll look at how to recapture the way we all used to breathe as a matter of habit. Breathing plays a large part in the ability to relax because breathing has a psychological as well as a physiological effect on the body. Just as thoughts can change breathing patterns, so too can the way we breathe affect the way we think. Slow breathing promotes calm. Rapid breathing encourages overstimulation of the nervous system. Proper breathing can lower the metabolic rate and make us feel more relaxed. The slower … Continue reading

Playing With Your Children

Research has shown that children benefit from playing with their parents. It helps the kids feel special and provides a stress free time for kids to bond with their parents. Try to find some time every day when you just get down and play with your kids. Here are some ideas of things that you can do: Pretend Play – let your child decide what you play and play along. Be silly and have fun. I often cook with my daughters in their little kitchen. We have enjoyed many play meals together. My son loves to go “camping” we get … Continue reading