Indoor Family Relays

If the weather outside if frightful, there’s no reason things inside can’t be delightful. Sure, kids get bored easily and we grown ups do sometimes as well. This is the perfect time to try out some indoor family relays. You can divide family members into teams or play one on one. Quick Trip Relay Give each person or team a suitcase or duffel at the start line. At the other end of the room, place a stack of clothes, socks, pajamas, etc. (an equal number of items in each stack). Each member will run to the stack, grab one item, … Continue reading

Fun with Balloons and Squirt Guns

Do you remember the game you played at carnivals when you were little, where you had to squirt water into a clown’s mouth until the balloon above filled with air and popped? That was a lot of fun but there are other fun games your kids can play using squirt guns and balloons. Try one of these relay races! They are great for birthday parties, picnics, or just for some laughs, and they are also fun ways to cool off on a hot day. Start by having one child from each team stand at the opposite end of the yard … Continue reading

Fun with Bubbles

While simply blowing bubbles is a fun activity, especially for small children who tend to be fascinated by them, bubbles can also be a lot of fun for the entire family. Even I enjoy a good game of bubble tag once in awhile, or a bubble-blowing contest, and I’m not exactly a kid any more. Bubble tag is a simple game in which the person who is “it” chases everybody else around blowing bubbles at them. The first person to be touched by a bubble becomes “it.” You can also have bubble relays. Your entire family with be out of … Continue reading