What Can You Leave Behind?

Change, evolution, letting go–all topics that the single parent usually becomes quite familiar with. Many of us have been forced into a cycle of change or have been through some major crisis or trauma or life-altering event(s) leading to our role as a single parent. While we may have learned a thing or two about adjusting to new things and accepting change–there may still be some things, people, or ideas that we are clinging to that would be better off left behind… For me, part of what happens when I start to feel overwhelmed is that I am taking on … Continue reading

Let go of Your Anger

Yesterday is gone, and tomorrow will never come, right now is the only time you have. How much time have you wasted with your anger? Whether it be at your ex, or your boss, or your family, or friend. You holding onto these negative feelings is only allowing the person who made you angry to continue to hurt you long after the original offense. Let it go. Yes, it’s easier said than done, I know from experience; but it is also better gone than holding on. Holding onto anger, hostility, and annoyance is not healthy for you, or your children. … Continue reading