Mary, Mother of Jesus – Bruce E. Dana

We know very little about Mary, the young woman who was chosen to be the mother of Christ. We know she was a righteous and pure woman, who loved the Lord and had a deep desire to be obedient. Beyond that, not much has been said. “Mary, Mother of Jesus” by Bruce E. Dana takes the information we do have and compiles it into one source, putting Bible and Book of Mormon mentions of Mary into one volume so we need not hunt from book to book. He also takes into account the cultural climate and the traditions of the … Continue reading

Tender Mercies: Stories to Stir the Soul – Joy Robinson

“Tender Mercies: Stories to Stir the Soul” is a beautiful compilation book by Joy Robinson in which she has gathered stories from men and women from various different backgrounds that show how the Lord is mindful of us in our every need and how He showers us with tender mercies constantly. Stories in this uplifting volume include the account of a woman whose heart was touched upon hearing of the children who are taken from abusive homes and placed in foster care, often with just the clothing on their backs. She created CUDDLE Outreach, a program which provides handmade quilts … Continue reading

C. S. Lewis – Latter-day Truths in Narnia – Marianna Richardson and Christine Thackeray

I had the most marvelous opportunity a couple of weekends ago to read “C.S. Lewis –Latter-day Truths in Narnia,” and I loved every minute of it. I’ve been a fan of Lewis’s since I was ten, when I first picked up “The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe,” and was amazed to discover that Aslan was a type of Christ. I remember running in to my mom and telling her, “This is just like Jesus.” She didn’t humor me by letting me think I’d discovered it on my own—instead, she said, “I know”—but that didn’t diminish my discovery. I read … Continue reading

What’s Wrong with Mormons? — B. Jay Gladwell

I was born and raised in the Church and I’ve never doubted the teachings, although I do believe that we all go through a conversion process, born in the Church or not. I went through mine in bits and spurts during my teenage years and now, as an adult (and not so much a teenager anymore) my testimony is strong and I enjoy a close relationship with my Heavenly Father. But when asked to explain these thoughts and feelings to someone who doesn’t understand where I’m coming from, I have a tendency to choke up, especially when it comes to … Continue reading

Trust in the Lord—Deen Kemsley

In a world that is fraught with messages designed to make us forget our Savior and His mission on this earth, it can be hard to keep things in perspective. We get caught up in our worries, living from moment to moment trying to bring our lives into balance, and only occasionally remembering that we aren’t really in control anyway. “Trust in the Lord” by Deen Kemsley is a new nonfiction book that will help us accept Christ as a partner in our lives and to turn our concerns over to Him. Written in a manner that is appropriate for … Continue reading

Mary, Martha, and Me: Seeking the One Thing that is Needful – Camille Fronk Olson

The book “Mary, Martha, and Me” by Camille Fronk Olson offers new insight into the biblical account of the two sisters from Bethany, one who sat at the feet of Jesus and let her sister do all the work in preparing the meal. As we remember from the story, Martha had been working hard to make her home ready for her special guest, and Mary chose instead to sit at Christ’s feet and listen to his words. Christ spoke to Martha, not angrily but gently, as He commended her for her diligence, but then told her that Mary had chosen … Continue reading