Our First Letter

Rebecca was legally ours as the adoption was finally able to proceed after the mediation with the biological mother was successful in having her relinquish her parental rights. Part of the mediation agreement was to establish a post office box where the biological mother of our children would be able to send correspondences to the children. We had told her we would put the letters aside for when the children got old enough to understand what they were about. The conditions of our mediation were that we would send updates of all three children to her on a quarterly basis. … Continue reading

The Good Bye Video

Today is the day of the last visitation between Rebecca and her biological mother. Thanks to a successful mediation she has agreed to relinquish her parental rights in return for written updates on all three of her children each quarter, a picture and video of the kids once a year. We offered her the opportunity to make a video for the children to watch when they got older. We had hoped this video will allow her to tell the kids about herself. We thought it would be a great gift for the kids when they got older. They would have … Continue reading

The Fight for Isaiah is Over

The first mediation session ended without success because Lola decided that she needed to talk to her drug rehab counselor at the last minute and we could not find him. We were all guardedly optimistic about the second session. We started to worry when Lola arrived. She looked really bad. I had seen her like this many times before. She told us that she had not talked to the counselor and that we were going to have a trial because she was not going to sign anything. When she came back, she told me that she had lost the pictures … Continue reading