Downside of a Home Business: There is No one to Remind Us

Periodically, I have fun counting my blessings and writing about all the things that I love and that I think are bonuses to owning and operating a home business. I think it is only fair to point out that there are some downsides to home business ownership too. In addition to the fact that we may work longer hours and, at least in the beginning, make less money that we might at a more traditional job, there also are not coworkers and bosses around to remind us of things we might forget! Now, I make myself lists and logs and … Continue reading

Moms Need Reminding Too

I’ve written about when our kids get into the “I forgot” stage, but it dawned on me that I definitely am NOT the queen of remembering things that I used to think I was. The more independent and active my kids become, the more likely I am to lose track of what’s going on. I can’t blame it entirely on adolescence, however, as I’ve had a tendency to have an occasional tough time keeping track of everything in a busy household with one parent and three kids for some time now… I need reminders. It helps if my kids write … Continue reading