Sorting Shapes

We have the Tupperware Shape-O Toy. It has been a favorite of all the toddlers who have lived with us. What’s funny is that as much as the children love the toy, we try to hide it. Children love repetition. They are more than happy to hear the same stories, listen to the same songs, and watch the same movies over and over again. When the children want to play with the shape sorting ball we have to play too. We love the children and love playing with them, but it gets tiring having to repeat the actions with them … Continue reading

The Joy of Busy Work

Most of the time, I want to be challenged in my work. That is one of the reasons I even started a home business in the first place—I got tired of having other people dictate my work day and set my schedule and even tell me how they thought things should be done. I wanted to feel challenged and limited only by my own choices and issues. That said, there are those days or mornings when I really do enjoy a bit of busy work. The rote activity of preparing mailings or putting together copies and packets gives me a … Continue reading

Personal Pet Peeve—Repetition and Having to do Things Over

I can often be found writing about all the things I love about working from home and running my own home business working for myself. I thought that in order to provide a bit of balance, I might share one of my big work pet peeves—having to do things over, wasting time, or too much repetition with things! As a solo worker here in my home office there isn’t anyone to catch my mistakes for me or anyone who I can pawn off the work I don’t want to do over, so I get stuck with it myself (even if … Continue reading

How To … Cope with Boredom

This is it – the New Year is here, sweeping around the world from Australia to the United States, the Earth has completed the turn around the clock and now we are all basking in the arrival of a brand new year. But this is your year. This is the year that you’re going to sign up at the gym. You’re going to go to be at the gym, Monday through Friday, for 45 minutes every day. You’re going to achieve your goals and you’re going to lose that extra weight and be in the best shape of your life. … Continue reading

Rote and Repetition – Your Key to Toddler Learning

Repetition is one of the primary keys in teaching your toddler. While they may very well enjoy exploring the world around them, teaching them various things including their schedule, their ABCs and even the names of things is done by repeating it over and over and over again. Your 2 year old may very well be able to sing their ABCs and other nursery rhymes, not because they have an intellectual grasp on what they mean, but because they have heard them over and over and over again. This is why getting your baby and toddler into a routine is … Continue reading