Professional, Expert or Novice

As a home business owner, it can take a little time to figure out how we identify ourselves in our work world. Many of us are used to a traditional job where we are given a title and a job description and it is easy for us to explain what we do and to understand for ourselves whether we are a professional or where we are along the ladder of knowledge and experience. When we start our own home business, we may wonder whether we can present ourselves as an expert or whether or not we are professional–especially when so … Continue reading

Try to Exceed Expectations

Whether your home business involves working with many customers or just a couple clients; whether you meet with your customer and clients on a regular basis or only talk to them on the phone or via e-mail—customer service is imperative. One of the most basic rules of good customer service is to try to exceed the expectations of the customer or client… Surely you have heard the phrase: “under promise and over-deliver?” This is another version of the cardinal rule of making sure that you exceed what your customers, clients and prospects are expecting from you. This can mean coming … Continue reading

Will You Take Any Clients or Wait for Loyal Clients?

There are several different ways to go about building a customer base for your product and services, but two main camps are the “taken anyone and everyone” camp and the “nurture and build loyal customers” camp. Figuring out which one is best for you and your business will depend on what sort of industry you are in, as well as what your personality and capacity for marketing and networking is. Look at it this way; you are going to put energy into attracting new customers and clients regardless—but it takes a lot of energy and resources to court a client. … Continue reading

Coping with Unusual Requests

Occasionally, there are going to be those clients, customers, colleagues, or vendors who ask us for something special. They may be asking for special treatment—or it just may be that circumstances have influenced their request. For a small home business, we can either be in a good, flexible position to adjust to unusual requests, or it might ask more of us than we are in a position to give… For many small businesses, how we cope with and handle special requests can be the cornerstone of our reputations. For others of us, it happens so seldom that it might really … Continue reading

Tell Your Story

Your business is your own and it has a life, reputation and culture all of its own as well. One of the challenges of marketing a small business is to find a way to stand out amidst many—some of those others will be much larger and much better known. It can be tempting to try to imitate or try to make our little business seem like everyone else or at least like the “big guys.” It is important, however, to tell your OWN business story—your business has a personality and it is up to you to share it with your … Continue reading

Look for Ways to Gain an Advantage

Periodically we talk about competition in the business world here in the Home Business blog and I know that some of us are “into” understanding how to be more competitive and some of us take a different approach to business operations. I also know that using a word like “advantage” can be challenging—some of us just don’t want to think of ourselves as “cut-throat” business people. Still, if we want our businesses to succeed, we do need to find ways to increase our advantage—make ourselves more likely to be chosen by customers, clients and prospects. Gaining an advantage does not … Continue reading

We Can TRY Not to be Too Dorky

As a rule, I do not try purposefully to embarrass my kids (which is more than I think I can say for them); in general, I try to be solid, reasonable, and not too much of an out-of-touch dork, but I think single parents can get confused and the boundaries can get blurred–we might end up either trying too hard to be our child’s “buddy” or we may get so involved in our own life that we come across as embarrassing and dorky. Of course, as our children become teenagers, they are supposed to find their parents a bit out … Continue reading

Do You Say “I’m Sorry” Too Much?

It is good to apologize, right? Well, if it is warranted then it is good to apologize, however, haven’t you ever known someone who apologized all the time until it just about drove your crazy? It wasn’t about truly apologizing for something that he or she had control over, but it was obviously some other psychological complex and it was just too much! You might want to check your own apology record and see if you are apologizing too much, without even thinking about it, or if you are apologizing appropriately. I have known colleagues and coworkers who said “I’m … Continue reading

Using “I” or “We” in Your Business

I was talking with someone recently who also runs a small home-based business. This person is flying solo just like I am and she is the only “worker” in her business, but she kept referring to business happenings with a “we”—of course, it didn’t offend me or anything, but it did get me to wondering if there is an advantage to using “we” when talking about one’s small home business or if it is alright to use the more truthful “I”? I always refer to my business as my own. There is only me and it has never really dawned … Continue reading

Gossip—Is it Good or Bad for Business?

I am philosophically opposed to gossip, but as a flawed human, and a writer at that—I just can’t seem to stay away from observations and stories about people. Even at the ripe old age of forty, I have not quite mastered when it is “good” gossip and when it is not and recently I was talking with a colleague about how to keep gossip under control and figure out what and how it is best for a small business… It is so tempting and interesting to talk about people! It can also help us build alliances with some people even … Continue reading