Do Your Finances Change Once You Have a Baby?

Once you have children your entire life changes drastically. The way you handle your finances is one way you will find yourself changing. When you are suddenly responsible for the welfare of a child, it becomes much more essential to manage your money responsibly so that you can provide for him. It becomes much more important to be able to provide the necessities of life and some of the luxuries. It is important that you set and maintain a list of priorities in your life financial. If you stick to this list, you will find that you will be able … Continue reading


Every person who comes to this earth is given the gift of free agency, or free will. God will never force any man to heaven. He must allow us all to choose for ourselves. I can certainly think of worse things than being made to inherit Celestial glory, but that’s not how it works—He’ll only give it to us if that’s what we want. As we make our choices every day, we have a set of results that will come about because of those choices. The results of good choices lead us to happiness, while the consequences of bad choices … Continue reading

WATCH IT! Help Your Child with Time Management

Do you constantly have to remind your child of the daily schedule? Do you make agreements, like “Fifteen more minutes of TV,” and then deal with a horrible tantrum when the time is up? Does your child need help staying on track with homework? Would you like to help your son or daughter develop a sense of independence and responsibility? Everybody Get In Sync! I recently heard about a private school that was instilling personal accountability and time management in their students. What they did was issue a particular style of wristwatch to each and every child from age four … Continue reading

Let Go of Feeling Like a Victim

Identifying when we don’t feel good about how we are being treated is healthy; it is also wonderful to be able to protect and take care of ourselves (after all, who else can care for us as well as we can care for ourselves)–but getting stuck feeling like a victim can keep us in a powerless, hopeless place and keep us from taking control and moving forward with our lives as parents, and as individuals. In order to get on with building our families, single parents need to let go of feeling like a victim. Yes, you very well may … Continue reading

Letting Our Kids Live Their Own Lives

As parents, it’s only natural to worry about our kids. We want them to do well in school, get into the best college, land that great job, marry Mr. or Mrs. Right and produce a bundle of cute grandkids. Unfortunately, sometime we become overly concerned and our bodies suffer, we become stressed worrying about our kids. Xandria Williams, who writes extensively about the mind-body connection, talks about how worrying about the welfare of others creates undue stress in our lives. Especially, when we worry unnecessarily about our adult children. This stress can manifest itself into serious health concerns like ulcers, … Continue reading

Giving Kids the Freedom They Can Handle

I once received advice from a teacher of one of my children—I was volunteering in the classroom and we were chatting one day about some of her teaching philosophies and methods. She shared with me a tiny morsel of advice that I not only took to heart, but have also applied as a guiding philosophy in my parenting. She said that she thought we should give our children as much freedom as they could handle. And, with Independence Day coming up, I thought it might be appropriate to chat a bit about freedom here in the Parents blog. The tough … Continue reading

Don’t Just Rely on Age as Indicator

Developmental stages and age charts are just one way of evaluating whether or not a child is on track or in a “developmentally appropriate” stage. Most parents learn that age cannot be the only indicator of whether a child is capable of handling increased responsibilities, more complicated toys, special activities, etc. Our child and the same-age neighbor may be in completely different developmental stages. It is easy to find charts that tell you what the “average” 10-year-old or 5-year-old or even 16-year-old should be doing. Many parents will also set benchmarks like “no make-up until you’re 13” or “no dating … Continue reading

Following Through

You might be THE BEST at planning and organizing in your home business. Perhaps you’ve already done a business plan and have a long-range plan for how to grow and develop your business. But, the truth is, without attention to follow through—with customers, projects, plans and other business details—all that planning can be for naught. Follow through is incredibly important—whether it is returning phone messages and answering e-mail inquiries, or completing projects that you’ve agreed to, or making sure that you keep on top of your record and bookkeeping. I often hear people say that they either fall into one … Continue reading

Peer Pressure in the Church

Are you under pressure at your church to take on roles and jobs you feel ill equipped for? Do you cave in to church peer pressure and undertake a task even though you don’t feel called to it? Should you do this? Or should it be a case of it there’s a need someone should do it and you feel pressured that into giving it a go. Following on from my blog about children’s ministry and whose responsibility it is to teach children, I received an e mail from a woman remarking on the pressure she is put under by … Continue reading

How To Have People Approach Your Dog

As a responsible dog owner, you will need to educate people about the correct way to approach your dog. These five steps will help friends, family, and strangers get to know your dog safely and appropriately. Ask before you touch. Ask the owner if you can pet their dog. If the dog is unsupervised, think twice about approaching. Ask the dog if he wants to be touched. Offer your hand for sniffing. If the dog doesn’t come forward to check you out, don’t pursue him. Move slowly and be gentle when you pet the dog. Pet the dog on the … Continue reading