Irresponsible Pet Owners

In my last article I mentioned that I can’t watch several shows on Animal Planet because they upset me. Next to Animal Cops, the other shows that I find disturbing are those where dog trainers go to people’s homes to help with their dogs’ behavioral problems. For my second “Be Kind to Animals Week” article, I want to focus on irresponsible pet owners. Irresponsible pet owners are one of my biggest peeves, and the reason why I don’t like dog training shows. Watching those shows it seems like most of the time, the dogs have problems because their owners don’t … Continue reading

Be Kind to Animals Week

This week is the Humane Society’s Be Kind to Animals Week, so for the next few articles I’m going to share details and tips on responsible pet ownership. Or in today’s case, acknowledge some great animal rights workers. When I first started writing the pet blog, my husband joked that I could create a monthly column entitled “Reasons Why Angela Isn’t Allowed to Watch Animal Planet.” He said that because, on occasion, I get worked up watching the channel. In particular, the show I should really never let myself watch is Animal Cops. There’s a smattering of these series now, … Continue reading

Learning From Our Mistakes as Pet Owners

Accidents don’t make you a bad pet owner… as long as you learn from them. I was catching up on posts in one of my favorite pet communities and saw a scary story. A young child knocked a lamp off a bedside table, which scared the family dog into making a run for it. When the dog jumped from bed to floor, she landed on the shards of the lamp and ended up severing nerves and tendons in one of her back legs. After emergency surgery, it looks like the dog will be okay. Thank goodness! Do I think this … Continue reading