Pet Owner’s Independence Day: Get to Work Murphy, Kitty, and Tabby!

Today is Pet Owner’s Independence Day. There is not a lot of information about what this day is supposed to be about. What I could find said it was a day for pet owner’s to take off from work and send Fluffy and Fido in their place instead. Huh? Okay, the concept is to have a day off acting like your pet: lying around all day, napping, etc. A day of rest. That part sounds good, but what’s the point of having a designated day for something that’s completely ludicrous? What pet could realistically get to their person’s work on … Continue reading

Sleep When The Baby Sleeps

When I was a new mom I received a lot of parenting advice. One piece of advice that I received over and over again was, “sleep when the baby sleeps.” Unfortunately, I didn’t heed this sage advice and ran myself ragged most days. Instead of sleeping while Tyler slept I used a lot of that time to do household chores and to work on getting more writing assignments or finishing up assignments that I had. When I finally decided that perhaps it was time for me to start sleeping when he slept it was too late. His sleeping pattern was … Continue reading

The Three R’s of Parenting

We’re all familiar with the three R’s as it relates to learning- reading, ’riting and ’arithmetic. But have you heard about the three R’s for parents? Dr. Rachel Bryant, a licensed psychologist, has identified three R’s that she says are the foundation for successful parenting. They are: rest, reflect and refuel. Rest In order for parents to function at their best they must not shortchange themselves when it comes to getting enough sleep. Most of us get far fewer than the recommended eight hours of sleep a night. I know personally I average about 5 hours most nights. I rationalize … Continue reading