Tip of the Day- Have a Do Nothing Day

Maybe it was all the stairs yesterday, but today I’m feeling a little worn and tired. I’m finding it hard to get through the normal routine of my day. I’m sluggish and mentally drained, so today I’m scheduling a “Do Nothing Day”. It may not be today, but it needs to happen soon. It’s going on my calendar. I’m practicing my response: “No. I’m sorry, I’m busy that day.” I don’t have to tell them I’m busy doing nothing, but that’s exactly what I plan to do. Stress is a killer, and I mean that literally. Every once in a … Continue reading

Week in Review: Faith to Black Friday

This week I talked about what faith is as defined in the Bible, whether or not there is ever a time to be violent, the importance of taking a time for rest in our week to recuperate, and what I learned the day after Thanksgiving while braving the mall early in the morning. In my Faith Is… blog, I define “faith” as stated in the Bible as well as give examples of Biblical characters of great faith. The Bible is full of scriptures regarding faith and the importance of applying it in our own lives. Is There Ever A Time … Continue reading

Tip of the Day- Go to Bed on Time

I’m a big fan of sleep. I like nap time and I’m slow to get out of bed in the morning. I’m a growing girl who needs her sleep and I’m a grouch when I don’t get it. Unfortunately, not everyone in my life is such a big fan. Neither is our society. There is something about our culture that says if you’re not running yourself ragged you’re not measuring up. Our lives are full and over-whelming and it’s easy, and sometimes necessary, to steal resting hours from our bodies. The average person really does need 7-8 hours of sleep … Continue reading

Why We All Need a Sabbath

God commanded for us to rest on the Sabbath just like He had done after six days of creation. Jesus clarifies what the Sabbath is really about: “The Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath.” (Mark 2:27) It seems the Sabbath isn’t just a day of the week, but a time that God has given us of significance. In the Hebrew and Greek translations, Sabbath, it is said to be an intermission or rest from regular work. Throughout our week, we are likely busy doing this or that. Our bodies were not designed to keep going … Continue reading

Adoptive Parents Need Rest

The adoption community uses a term that describes a brief rest from duty for adoptive parents. Respite is defined as a short time of relief from a difficult assignment. It is absolutely necessary for adoptive parents to occasionally be able to take it easy for a while. Our first respite weekend came as a surprise. As a Christmas present, our grown children arranged for us to have a Saturday night at the finest hotel in Galveston. They stayed with our crew and paid for a meal at a fine restaurant. It’s about a two hour drive down there from our … Continue reading

Essential Rest

Your body needs rest. Rest doesn’t mean sleep. Rest means taking a break BEFORE you collapse! It means giving yourself time throughout the day for a little mental vacation. Rest helps your body fight stress and disease. It gives you back a sense of balance and patience. How do you know if you’re in desperate need of rest? Ask yourself a few questions: Are you having trouble making simple decisions? Like what to wear or what to eat? Are you feeling like you’re on your last nerve? Are you short tempered and snapping at people who don’t deserve it? Are … Continue reading

Make Resting Fun

It is important to get plenty of rest in order to stay healthy and fit. We all know this, but it is much easier to talk about than it is to put into practice. This is especially true when we have a lot going on like now, during the holidays. So, what can we do to make sure we and our family members are getting enough rest? We can try to make it fun. Most kids would and some grown ups would much rather play than rest. However, rest doesn’t always have to mean sleeping more hours or taking a … Continue reading

Quitting Time

No matter how busy your household is, each person living in your home has to have some time off from the daily grind. Moms and Dads need more than just time off work, they also need a break, a chance to “clock out” from daily demands at home. Parents need some time alone and some time to get out away from the responsibilities of daily living. Scheduling a little time off regularly, makes it easier to cope. Children also need time off. They can’t come home from school, do homework, eat, do chores, shower, and go to bed. They need … Continue reading

Needing Sleep?

To all you night owls out there and to those of you who just need some good sleep, this message is for you! I am a complete night owl. I could not go to bed until 2 a.m., sleep in to 11 a.m., wake up and feel great. Unfortunately for me, my family needs the structure of a “normal” day, waking at 7:30 a.m. This means I have to hit the sack no later than midnight to function the next day. I suppose I could just take a sleep aid before going to bed, but there are other things I’ve … Continue reading

Spring Forward to Action 30-Day Challenge – Day 21: Crash & Rest Day

Good morning! How are you feeling today? We’re in the home stretch now. With just a little over a week to go and only 8 more days of fitness training, the Spring Forward to Action 30 Day Challenge is nearing it’s completion. How are you doing? Are you meeting your goals? Would you like to see something different? Share your thoughts. I’m eager to know. For those of you who are curious about May, we’re already getting set up here for a new six week program that will carry us into the Sizzling Summer — for now, consider it the … Continue reading