Spring Forward to Action 30-Day Challenge – Day 14: Crash & Rest Day

Good morning! Welcome to you 14th day of the Spring Forward to Action 30 Day Challenge. Tomorrow marks the halfway point towards completing. How are you doing? Are you experiencing muscle fatigue or soreness? How are you feeling about your overall progress? For myself, I’ve lost two pounds of measurable weight, but one overall inch. My workout was impeded by bronchitis, so I’ve had to trim my workouts back to not overdue it on my breathing capacity. But I’ve already started to bounce back. I am very glad that today is a rest day, however. I’m looking forward to taking … Continue reading


One of the primary components of a good fitness program is sleeping. That tends to surprise people who are constantly trading in minutes of sleep to accomplish other tasks. We get up early to have some quiet time before the kids are up. We stay up later to finish work. We wake up in the middle of the night because the kids are feeling bad or need something. We are a sleep-deprived nation. We’re not alone in suffering from that sleep-deprivation; it’s affecting not only us, but also our children. For example, my daughter started having trouble at her preschool … Continue reading

Learning to relax (1)

Continually stressed to the max? Do you have days when you want the world to just stop? Perhaps learning to relax should be on your agenda: here are some helpful tips on getting back into your comfort zone. The first thing to remember is that we all know how to relax. We really don’t have to learn how to relax because we are born experts on relaxation. Watch any baby or toddler: these guys have a PhD in chilling out. We, too, once possessed that skill but somewhere along the line, we unlearned it. We may be old dogs now, … Continue reading