Should my Children Meet the Person I’m Dating?

This subject came up on the forums of single parenting, and I wanted to discuss it a little further. I think this subject depends on your child, your situation, and your opinion. I have not dated since I had my son, and don’t plan to do so at any point in the near future. I have and will continue to concentrate my efforts on raising him. If I happen across a relationship during that time, then I’ll deal with it when it happens. This is how I would handle it if I were dating. First, I would not bring anybody … Continue reading

How Burger Heaven Earned Our Business

We spend an inordinate amount of time on the Upper East Side. My husband works there and my kids take their lessons there. We often finish with our day around 5pm leaving us to come home around 6:30pm–well past dinner making time for our family. So on occasion we try to find somewhere to eat. However, if you’ve read any of my blogs at all, you should know this is no easy feat. First of all, finding a restaurant in Manhattan that has room for a double stroller is not easy. Secondly, figuring ways to tame and conquer the formidable … Continue reading